View Full Version : Mission editor and SEAL launch/recovery

09-11-07, 02:57 PM
I'm trying to create a mission where you have to drop off and recover SEALS. I am trying to make it so that an approach goal creates the SEAL raft which follows its path and then returns to a pickup point where another approach goal "removes" the raft. The best I can tell how to do this with the editor is to make the raft part of a dynamic goal and set the goal to "create" the group once the goal is completed.

The problem with this though is that it seems to have no effect at all. If the group's (just the SEAL raft in this case) inclusion probability is 100 it will be there regardless. If it is 0, it will not be present, but will also not be created when the goal is completed. Does anybody have any idea on how to pull this off?

clive bradbury
09-11-07, 03:20 PM
I have had loads of trouble trying to achieve this in the past. I found that the game will let either create, or remove a seal team within one mission, but never both - it simply does not work, I'm afraid.

09-18-07, 04:26 PM
So far I only tested the creation and not the removal.

Will it only do one creation/removal per mission, or one per object? If it is per object, then all I need to do is create one team that approaches its target, while another raft (pre-existing and at the target, but idle), is timed to move towards the recovery point (where it will be removed) when the created seal team gets there. ... No object is being both created and removed, and from the point of view of the player it might as well be the same raft (unless they're 'cheating' with show truth) ... still that probably won't work but its worth a shot perhaps right?

clive bradbury
09-19-07, 01:39 AM
I think it is one per object, so your idea is definitely worth a try.