View Full Version : Another stupid question

06-09-06, 05:47 PM
I downloaded LWAMI 3.02 from Bill's site and I took the JSGME version.

I then extracted the zip to C:\Program Files\SonalystCombatSimulations\Dangerous Waters directory (after backing up my dbase and doctrine folder.) So far so good.
I ran JSGME and it found LWAMI and I enabled it. Thing is how do I know it worked apart from DW running without a crash?

06-09-06, 05:51 PM
set flank speed on the SW. If its 40knots its the stock game. If its 38knots its LWA

06-10-06, 12:56 AM
Read the readme and try something mentioned to be different that you can verify...

Xabba, you are really off your game. :p :)