View Full Version : CTD bug has something to do with 1944 DDs!!

07-20-05, 10:22 PM
When I got to December 1943 my flawless up to then patrols encountered a CTD. I put in a different RND and still CTD but now I noticed it was when I came within range of an escort. I restarted and when I got to a convoy I could see the merchant ships but when I turned my peri on the escort, CTD.
I restarted and came across a lone DD on patrol and when I came close enough, even though it was dark as soon as I turned the peri in that direction CTD.
I thought maybe the later US DD Fletcher (I have seem Clemson and Somers) or DE Butler and Buckley (I had seen Evarts) so I put them in a mission and they loaded OK in that with a 1944 date.
The SCR patrol would indicated it was a Brit DD there and the North South convoys would have Brit DDs there.
Is there any ordinance added in December of 43 that might cause a conflict problem? Would a sonar mod change something in Dec 43 and on? If I avoid any DD I can run the patrol and get back to base. Only if I register a visual. The hydrophones can hear them and not crash but if I let it show on the peri it is CTD.
Any ideas? This does not seem like it will only be my problem. Other will run into this and it must be a mod conflict but what. I don't have many mods in this install yet but I do have the sonar fixes!

07-20-05, 10:41 PM
You'd need to provide a full list of modifications and installed mods or no one can make any guesses.

07-20-05, 11:38 PM
Weird! Never seen or heard of this. Done anything to escorts yourself? Rosters, multiple skin mod, C-Class with Racks... There are not that many escort specific mods I can think of. I suggest you work out which convoy it was and the composition of the escorts, make sure all dates are correct etc.

07-21-05, 01:51 AM
It seems like it might be a skin problem to me (or at least a graphics problem). I've seen such a thing before in Red Baron 3D. If a skin file is missing or can't be found by the program, it will crash as soon as it's required to be loaded into memory. However, it seems a bit odd that the skin wouldn't be loaded as soon as the periscope was raised.

07-21-05, 02:25 AM
Off topic, but Red Baron was the first flight sim i ever played, i adored that game, i tried Red Baron 3d but in the day my PC coulden't handle it ;(

I would love to see a realistic ww1 flight sim some day!

07-21-05, 11:23 AM
Since I had this problem with a heavily modded SH3 I made a new install on another PC and ran everything without a hitch. I only added the graphic and sound updates of RUB, my RND file and the Zones, Sonar and DC fixes. I added the CCLass DC from serg and modded the trawlers to have DCs from the beginning. Both of those have been in most of my missions without any trouble.
So I copied the entire Data folder and moved it to the gaming PC and have run dozens of perfect missions from many bases. It was doing great in 1943 until Dec and that, of course, is the only way to get to 1944. So even on the big PC no trouble at all until with anything until Dec 1943 when seeing a DD, any DD caused a CTD. I ran the Dec mis by saving as I went then by passing anything with a DD to see if it continued in Jan 44 and it did again CTD when I turned the peri on a DD after looking at the many lead ships ina convoy and turning 180 to see the lead escort, usually a DD or DE for Jan 1944.

The only mods in the sea file folder are the shp.tga from RUB. Since these have caused no problem before Dec 43 I don’t see how that could be it but will put the stock back in as a test.
The only roster file mods are moving the C3 class cargo to start at the beginning and the mentioned above. I even left out Jason’s Norwegian and Netherland ships just so I would have less to even consider (although these would never have been a problem, I wanted bare minimum to test and search for CTD culprits. My round file uses some of Jason’s convoys but they are then modded to my taste and changing the Norway and Neth ship nationalities
The TNormal Tex folder only has the RUB stuff, nothing else.
I have added sound files and the Das Boot crew graphics and I switched the stock colored marker to the RUB black (Left the colored tail, works well!!) All the above would have caused a problem at other times as they have been there constantly from day one and work without a hitch. Something changes in December, 1943 that causes the DDs (or all escorts??) to facilitate a CTD.
Berry, while I see the point I believe the graphics would be loaded before this point. In other games when the item loads or become known in the situation actively it would CTD. With this happening as the objects is already there and only when I look at it; CTD, that is very much a new one to me
At least we know this much and now can have the fun of finding the little bugger!!!

07-21-05, 11:56 AM
Intially I agreed with Beery and thought graphics, but as it seems to be "date" related, I think something to do with escorts and dates. So, SCR layer, RND layer, Roster or the the loadout or something to do with the C-Class in 1944 (maybe an upgrade to sensors?)

07-21-05, 12:07 PM
If anyone can come up with ideas I will certainly implement them
I also believe it is date oriented or certainly manifest itself to appear so.
The only change to the CClass I did was the early DC which I have seen fine many times and since this CTD has occured half a dozen times now and all the DDs in my RND are asked for by type not by name and since most were escorts in convoys which means the chance they were the same everytime is extremely remote and the one DD was surely from the SCR which before this I had seen often with no problems,
I believe it has something to do with an item, a weapon or device that becomes operational around this time.
But, what? If, in fact that?

07-21-05, 12:41 PM
I have added sound files ...

I'm just guessing, but this sends up a red flag for me, and it makes sense that it might be a sound issue - as you turn your periscope new sounds are often loaded. It could be that the game tries to load a certain sound - perhaps a certain destroyer engine sound? - and the sound is in the wrong format. This has caused crashes for people in the past.

But anyway, it seems this problem will only be found by a process of elimination. If you're using the JoneSoft Mod Enabler this process will be easier - you can take out big chunks of mods, or entire mods, and then reload them, and quickly home in onto this little bugger.

Keep us posted. If it's a bug in RUb I will be glad to know about it so that I can fix it ASAP.

07-21-05, 04:05 PM
Well it would not be a sound that can be heard on the hydrophones as I can hear DDs and get reports on them. It is when I actually turn the peri on them that a CTD occurs.

I am guessing, but I tend to, by deduction, question what systems on all DDs would change in the late 43 area. If there is a weapon, sonar, whatever upgrade that does not translate in the zones or other mods it might show up then. Although it would seem that once the DD loads, that info would also load but of that I am not aware..
The 2 mods (I don't use the music) I use from RUB are certainly not it as they are in constant use.
And of course, the mod causing this may be affecting another item that then malfunctions and is therefore not the problem. But I digress :damn: :damn: :damn:
I will endeaver a while and if no one else can find it as well, I will do another reinstall and try and work into 1944 with stock, huh!!! :roll:


07-21-05, 04:26 PM
If there is a weapon, sonar, whatever upgrade that does not translate in the zones or other mods it might show up then.

Hmm. Then I wonder if this is the sonar bug that was recently fixed. Did you try getting Jungman's new AI_Sensors.dat fix? If not, try this one and see if that fixes it:


Put it in your data\Library folder. Make sure you make a back-up of the original.

07-21-05, 04:34 PM
The one I have now was from RUB 1.42 dated 5-23. Is that the one with the bug?
While I am oline waiting I will put that new one in and fire up SH3 and go looking for trouble in the destroyer patrols!

07-21-05, 04:44 PM
The one I have now was from RUB 1.42 dated 5-23. Is that the one with the bug?

It is, but we didn't think it was likely to cause a crash. Let me know how that file works out, because if that's it I'll push forward on getting RUb 1.43 out there so that it's fixed for everyone.

07-21-05, 05:14 PM
Of, course, in the fog of this convoy I saved from the last mission I have not seen any DD. But, I have seen a frigate and corvette so I am hopeful that was it.
But, until I see what I know for sure what was CTD, (a DD) I won't be sure. However, if it was the AI file, that it should do it???? right???? please please please. I much prefer helping others track down bugs than being the patient!!! LOL

07-21-05, 05:25 PM
See that DD, and then you'll be sure. The sensor listing that was broken may show up in a number of different ships, so it's hard to say for sure which ship it will be in.

07-21-05, 05:40 PM
yeah onw of his sensor bugs affected late war sonar, something wrong with the hex he said. Probably creates something invalid and crashes it. He says he has fixed it though in a later version, though in theory it should have affected single missions post this date also............???

Average Joe
07-21-05, 05:49 PM

No CTD's with v1.4b (yet!).

The end of my next campaign-patrol, the date should be around late September, early October-1943. I should be close to Dec-44 and beyond sometime this weekend.

I'll be watching this topic closely, and will post if any CTD's pop-up (geez I hope not! :88). I'm usually patroling around Britain too.

07-21-05, 06:36 PM
Well, I saw DDs as well with the peri and that well may have been it. That is the only problem in all the eras and areas I have been testing to make sure my complex RND file has no bugs so it was important to go through every part of the war.
Hope that was it and the last thing needed for trouble free play. I knew there was a problem but thought RUB 1.42 had the fixed one, or did I put the wrong one in? who knows.
Thanks for participation and I will re confirm with a couple more patrols.

I may bump this a few times to get rid of that hideous avatar. "Wild night in Bangkok" looks like the guy wants to Bangkok to me, LOL
Poor avatar, IMO Ban that rubbish please!

07-21-05, 06:38 PM
It lasted one post, thank the Lord I won't have to waste my time bumping leaving me more time for killin the English!!!