View Full Version : [BUG] Unable to view own sub

07-05-17, 03:32 PM
I find that after I engage in battle that there are times when I can no longer select my own sub and view it in the 3D display. It seems as though my view is locked onto my last target. For example, I initiated an emergency ballast blow (actually it was a mistake as I was intending to reload a torpedo but had the Shift key selected .. SHIFT + R = Emergency Blow). In any case, I wanted to get a view of my ship as I rose to the surface however even though I clicked on my sub in the tactical display and mini-map the 3D view would never return to my sub. My sub eventually surfaced but my view seemed to be stuck on the destroyer I was shadowing. I even got to see rockets attack my sub from the point of view of the destroyer.

07-05-17, 03:43 PM
Press F1