View Full Version : Key Commands

06-17-17, 07:35 PM
I found these in a short listing of the key commands and do not know what they mean. If anyone know...thanks.

Weapon Homing=Alpha1
Weapon Attack=Alpha2
Weapon Depth=Alpha3

(what does "Alpha" mean)

Also, is their a file where I can set my own command keys for some of the items?

06-17-17, 07:44 PM
Okay, I figured out where to change key functions and "Alpha" 4 means don't use the Numlock 4, use the 4 that is just above the letters "E" and "R".

06-18-17, 03:29 AM
I believe terms like "Alpha1" are Unity's names for the keys on the keyboard. I've seen them used in other Unity games like Kerbal Space Program. So I think those config lines set up those functions to be bound to those keys.