View Full Version : Need help with time on target

02-21-15, 03:04 PM
I start off with only 6 tlams no matter what I do. Is there any way I can modify my load out? It says I'm suppose to have 12 tlams but every single time I load up any mission in a 688i I have 6 tlams and 8 TASMs. I've tried the mission editor but I couldn't find anything. Are you suppose to head to the docks in faslane departure before you leave or is there something else I'm missing?

02-21-15, 04:16 PM
When you read the mission brief before having started and entering the mission area you should have an icon of a missile and torpedo at the bottom of the screen. If you click that you go to the loadout screen where you can change what is in the tube/vertical launchers. It has about 3 pages for tubes, internal storage and decoys.