View Full Version : Naval Combat Pack SubCommand and SCX

01-10-07, 05:54 PM
Has anyone gotten the Naval Combat Pack version of SubCommand and tried it with SCX?

01-11-07, 04:31 AM
LoBlo look at the question a few lines down.It works fine,I think that more could have been done to publicise this fact when the NCP was launched.

01-11-07, 03:05 PM
Great. I'm thinking about buying the NCP just for the chance to play the SCX mod. Since its working... man it sure is tempting....

Just a few more question if anyone knows the answers

1. Do the mod playables in the SCX mod have working torpedo doors and mast?
2. Is there a database editor (like DWEdit) that will allow me to tweak the database stats?
3. Is the sonar model of SC identical the the sonar model of DW? Is sound vs speed modeled? I remember in the original release of DW, there were no sound versus speed relationship and it had to be added as a patch


01-11-07, 04:03 PM
The torpedoes certainly work-I normally drive a trafalgar.The masts work as well,as for the rest of it I have never looked that deeply.SCX is a joy though and I still play it more than DW.

Sea Demon
01-11-07, 07:31 PM
I should have given more feedback on the other thread. For some reason, the voices in SCU subs don't want to work for me in SC. Everything works great, except that. And I can't figure it out. My other version of SC with everything installed works great.

But I will still use SC from the NCP because I don't have to use a disk to play it. That alone makes it a better option for me. The normal sub voices work, it's just the dang SCU subs I can't hear voices on. Glad to hear it didn't affect you Linton. And it's really no big deal for me. But it would be nice if I could get it working right. I got more investigating to do.

01-12-07, 06:07 AM
I have got two versions.The first is version 1.0 patched to 1.08 and then scx installed.The other is the combat pack also modded with scx.I do not need the disc to play either version.I found once that with the music turned down I was not getting voice commands.There is a file called the config file( it is on my other computer so I cannot remember the exact name)that is worth looking at.
I have just been playing around with sc on this computer using the mods from bill's site.I found a message whilst doing it that said"this is not v1.07 playable subs will work but you will not hear voices(!!!).Some people like the silence!"or words to a similiar effect
Try the mods over at Ramius' sitehttp://www.ramius.co.uk/

Sea Demon
01-27-07, 06:37 PM
For some reason, can't download any files from this site for SCX/SCU. Are these SCX files different than what is at the Subguru's site? I wasn't aware that there were different versions of SCX. Please clarify.

Thanks in advance.

01-27-07, 06:49 PM
Ive only recently changed ISP's, and lost the storage space my old one provided.

Once I can get my new one set up, then the files will be re-upped

Sea Demon
01-27-07, 06:59 PM
Thanks Ramius. I'll look for them once you announce their availability.


01-27-07, 07:00 PM
A while ago I installed the NCP SC (V1.08).I then tried the SCX mods from Bills site and when I ran the SCu part in the black box at the bottom was a message saying that voices would not be available and that some people enjoyed the silence anyway.I had not seen this message before.My original install is V1.0 updated to v1.08 and then all the SCX from Ramius's site.I am still not quite sure why there appears to be a problem with the NCP version. or whether it is a bug from the version at bills.The lack of voices seems to be a deliberate spoiler!!

01-27-07, 07:48 PM
Thanks Ramius. I'll look for them once you announce their availability.
AFAIK, SubGuru's has the links as well. I've bought an original SC from Amazon, and used the downloads linked from SubGuru's and they work fine.

01-28-07, 06:13 AM
It could be a glitch with the NCP then.

Sub Sailor
02-01-07, 07:33 PM
I had to reinstall SC NCP pack and now when I try to install There is no path for installation. I tried everything, and Sonar 732 is going to try and help me, but he has been tied up.
I get a window that is blank and the brows button just has 2 dots in it. If I click on that I get various Drives no other choices. If I type in C:\Program Files\Sonalyst Combat Simulations\Sub Command I get the message that this path does not exist to I want to create one I click yes and it runs and now I have 2 program files and the new one contains Sonalyst Combat Solution's\SCX no SC.:damn: :damn:
I don't have a clue, I had it before I had to uninstalled SC. I had been running it with SCXIIc every since the Combat pack came out. Does anyone have a clue?


Ron Banks MMCM(SS), USN(Ret)

Sea Demon
02-01-07, 09:15 PM
I had to reinstall SC NCP pack and now when I try to install There is no path for installation.
Check your PM, sir.

Sub Sailor
02-01-07, 09:22 PM
Sea Deamon,
I don't know what PM is, sorry.:o :oops:

Sub Sailor

Sea Demon
02-01-07, 09:30 PM
Sea Deamon,
I don't know what PM is, sorry.:o :oops:

Sub Sailor
Nevermind the PM. Maybe somebody else is having the same problem, so I'll just post here. When you see the button with the "dots", you have to manually input your destination. The way to do that is to click on the button with "dots", then click on (Mycomputer) or click on c: (depends on your directory structure), then click on the folder that says "Program files", then Sonalysts Combat simulations folder, then from there click on the Sub Command folder. Then once you have that destination, click OK. Or next or whatever it is.

Remember that you have to install SCX_Project_II before you install SCXIIc. Don't forget to run the Install Graphics bat and such. Read the readme files and follow to the letter. That's how I did it anyway. Hope it helps.

Sub Sailor
02-02-07, 08:39 AM
Sea Demon,
I woke up at Two this morning and remembered what PM stood for. I didn't run to my computer then.

Thank you,

Ron Banks MMCM(SS),USN(Ret):oops:

02-02-07, 08:48 AM
I cant use the SCX sub changer thing for some reason havnt been able to change platforms properly always shuts down when i start up :(

Sub Sailor
02-02-07, 11:21 AM
Sea Demon,
You are the man, I followed your instructions and I now have SCXII, SCXIIc, and the fixes.
I cannot thank you enough.:up:

Thank you,

Ron Banks MMCM(SS), USN(Ret)