FAQ about our progress and priorities:
Why do you have to refactor the code right now, can’t you just fix the bug and release the patch?
Refactoring code is a normal and necessary part of development and needs to happen periodically, because requirements change as the product matures. Right now, the net code is the oldest piece of code in the game. It was written seven years ago, when the game was in its infancy and everything worked very differently from the way it does now. This has caused several issues as time has passed, and is currently preventing us from expanding the design of the game.
Why is it taking so long to fix?
The net code affects most of the components in the game. Since we have to rewrite the components, we’ve decided to also make some structural changes to them, in preparation for future updates. This means it takes a bit longer now, but in return it enables improvements and speeds up upcoming releases. For example:
In the current version of the game, the player character is a property of the U-boat. This means that each U-boat has seven hidden player characters in it at all times, and when a player connects they possess one of these pawns. Each u-boat has exactly seven player slots, and the player character can’t leave the u-boat. This design is part of the legacy code that we are throwing out with this patch.
In the new version, the player character is its own object, separate from the u-boat, and the u-boat implements a generic container interface that can hold any number of players. This change means a couple of things:
It will be possible for the player character to be in different places than the u-boat, for example in the bunker, or in the water.
It will be very easy for us to add other vessels, like the Corvette and the Type VIIC/41 that Einar has modeled.
The u-boat (and other vessels) is no longer limited to 7 players, it can have as many players as we want.
How much work is left on this patch?
The netcode itself is finished, but all of the components that touch the net code need to be updated to work with the new system. Oscar has been implementing one system at a time.
These are done:
The water and weather system.
The player character
The propulsion system
The torpedo system/tdc
The electrical system.
Periscopes and depth keeping.
We still need the radio/sonar room and map to work before we can release the patch.