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Old 05-01-14, 02:12 PM   #1
Grey Wolf
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Default Leatherneck Simulators

Leatherneck-Simulator Update:
Found by some very attentive community members before ready for primetime; there is not much point in closing it down anymore.

It is in a BETA stage at best; so do expect some errors and issues.
Feel free to report any you might find though.

A lot of content will be added as we go along (or rather; as we get some more time on our hands). It's fairly meagre at the moment. Videos, support system and so on.

Known (major) issues:
- Incorrect (or total lack of) rendering of HTML5 content on various browsers.
- Broken padding and layout on various mobile devices
- Various grammar / spelling errors
- No localization
- Lack of content
- Hosting/Bandwidth issues (failure to load, slow loading times)

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Old 01-03-15, 04:57 AM   #2
Grey Wolf
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Leatherneck Plans 2015 - 2016

Dear all,

Welcome to the very awesome (boring) very first (meagre) issue of the new monthly Leatherneck Simulations updates!

It's been a while since the last official LNS update, but don't fret – we've been as busy as ever behind the scenes.
Our primary focus over the past few months has been on wrapping up the MiG-21, completing various auxiliary and management tasks, as well as gradually transitioning into our next project(s).
We are incredibly excited to venture into the new year and experience all that lies therein. Without a doubt, DCS will be bigger and better than it has ever been before.

We couldn't have been as successful as we have been in 2014 without the massive amount of support from everyone.
Heartfelt thank you from the entire LNS team go out to all media representatives, streamers or writers who took the time to assess our product, the ever-patient and fantastic community, and the talented
individuals at Eagle Dynamics & The Fighter Collection, who have gone above and beyond more frequently than I can count. We can't thank you all enough!

As we've come some ways since release of the MiG-21, we are afforded the clarity of a distanced retrospective on what went right and wrong before, during and after release of the MiG-21.
After taking an honest look at ourselves and what we should change moving forward, we have made some changes in how Leatherneck operates and produces content.
The MiG-21 modules' development and release has been a learning experience in many ways, and we will be applying this new-found knowledge to better ourselves as we develop new and exciting products.

One of the items that have been on the back-burner for a while have been the backer rewards.
We've simply not had the resources available to design and produce these items in the immediate post-release period.

We currently have quotes and suppliers for everything slated for production, but still have some decisions to make as to what we'll actually opt to go for.
Some physical rewards will be consolidated into bigger items. This mainly refers to smaller items such as stickers. We hope to provide amicable options for all backers, but more importantly: ship only actually useful and well-crafted items.
Quality over quantity, as it were. We hope to order production runs on these items during the course of January, and ship them to all backers as soon as they are delivered (est. February).

The DVD jewelcase artwork will be based on the cover you can currently find on the ED E-Store (here)
It will of course be expanded to encompass both sides of the case.

Many of you opted for higher backer tiers during the crowdfunding campaign of 2012, and you are thus entitled to more than one MiG-21 key.
These keys will be merged into the main key database and sent out in January. Apologies for the long delay on getting these out.

The MiG-21 is our first product and thus it has without a doubt been a considerable learning experience.
Despite our best efforts, a significant amount of flaws were pushed with the release build of the aircraft.
We've put in a concentrated effort in order to eradicate these as quickly as possible, and we hope that progress has been palpable for the end-user.

Nonetheless, there are a number of both large and small improvements and fixes still pending.
Listed below are some of the major additions planned:

New & improved sounds, both in interior and exterior views. Based on real MiG-21 samples. Improved Engine RPM Feedback and immersion.
Improved radar screen visual representation.
Re-Introduction of red cockpit floodlights
Performance improvements wherever possible.
Major improvements in exterior 3d model accuracy (pylon tilt, wing thickness, gear door shape, front windshield fuselage joint and more)
New AAA quality pilot model in the cockpit (toggleable)
(in conjunction with previous) Animated and correct post-ejection pilot model & animations
Improved artwork & textures for various ordinance (SPS-141, ASO-2, Atomic bombs and more)
Default cockpit livery variations. (Green, Finnish, etc.)
10+ New default liveries. (Bulgarian, Polish, Czech, GDR, Cuba, and much more)
Re-introduction of tactical numbering

We apologize for any inconvenience caused by issues found in the MiG-21, we hope they have not been too detrimental in your enjoyment of the aircraft.
Also, a big thank you to all of you who have been diligently submitting helpful bug reports, they are simply priceless.

As we move closer to the release of our next module, we plan to significantly expand the size of our internal testing team.
We hope to reduce the amount of release-build bugs in any future product launches.

In the next few weeks we also hope to resolve some of the silly activation errors occuring and causing issues for some users. This includes options to properly deactivate the module.

While we wanted to release the paint kit immediately after release, we quickly realized that this was not quite feasible considering
the amount of 3D and 2D changes coming with the updated and improved external 3D Artwork.

Thus; we decided to delay the paint kit until the very final version of the external model is released.
We know how frustrating it can be to update broken liveries, both as livery creators and end-users, so we'll make sure to try and keep any retroactive art changes to a minimum in the future.

The updated external model is slated to arrive with DCS 2.0, so expect the Paint Kit at around the same time.
The 10+ additional liveries that were created prior to release will also be made available at this time.
Special thanks to Matija Huzjak for a beautiful Croatian Air Force skin that will be included in the package.

The fine gentlemen at ThreeAppsStudios Studios ( have created a great Android based application
to help you fly the MiG-21.

You can find it here:

We'd like to extend our gratitude to Milan and his team for their perseverance and excellent craftsmanship.
Hope to work with you again soon!

2015 will mark a year of considerable growth and expansion for Leatherneck Simulations.
This will ensure that we are prepared to meet the ambitious content production goals that we have set forth for ourselves for the next few years.
Reinvestment of resources into all facets of our business will allow us to provide you all with better and far more content than before.

Since the release of the MiG-21, we have already grown to double our initial size. We'll be introducing you to each of our new members in the coming months.
We expect to add yet another 3-4 members to our staff during Q1 of 2015. This, in addition to a new permanent office location in Swinoujscie, Poland.
The release and performance of the MiG-21 solidifies our investment into DCS, and we remain genuinely committed to the flight simulation genre.
We are here to stay for a long time to come.

Currently we have three aircraft in advanced states of development, with a few more in mixed, but primarily earlier stages.
We have already hinted heavily at one of the advanced ones, and we'll be showcasing more on all three as we get closer to their respective release dates.
You shouldn't expect to have to wait until 2016 to fly a new Leatherneck module. Overall, we are confident that we will be able to cater to almost all of your tastes.
Maybe we'll even manage to avoid the pitchforks.

Regardless of the aircraft, we will always be trying to push the envelope, both in simulation and visual fidelity.
Various planned features will require solving difficult design challenges (related to both gameplay and technical considerations), but we are confident in our ability to overcome these.
By applying everything we've learned during the MiG-21's protracted development, we can focus on improving ourselves and building on our existing standards. Some of you have raised concerns about certain features or requirements precluding the development of various aircraft, but we do not currently feel limited by any such considerations.

Moving away from aircraft, EDGE now affords us the ability to build new theaters and complement our aircraft with appropriate campaigns and missions.
Currently, we have development plans stretching across a wide variety of locales and eras. Maps built by Leatherneck will adhere to the same rigorous standards we place upon our aircraft modules, and will be based on an appropriate fusion of artistic skill and real-world data.

We did plan to push a little.. something out today to tease what is to come; but following an untimely missplaced bill, our site is still down, so it will have to wait a little longer.
You'll live. I hope?

This post turned out to far too long considering the meagre content.
Excuse the long-windedness, and expect the next monthly update to be far more image heavy.

Once again, thank you all for your unwavering dedication and support. It means the world to us.

Stay tuned and expect to hear from us very soon.

Leatherneck Simulations
N, M, N, R, T, C, A, A
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Old 03-01-15, 05:44 AM   #3
Grey Wolf
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Very interesting Feb-March newsletter by LNK

Dear All,

First off – I'd like to sincerely apologize on the behalf of the team for the issues experienced by a significant amount of you with the rollout of the 1.2.15 patch.
Something seems to have gone awry in the patching process that requires many of you to repair your DCS install to make the MiG-21 function properly. We are unsure what is causing this. Some other issues, such as the main landing gear slightly sinking into the ground do not occur on our local development builds. We are investigating the cause for these discrepancies and hope to correct them as soon as possible.

Some major bugs we are tracking include the ASP, various instances of avionics errors, steering difficulties (note, that steering will be far more difficult now as the implementation has been changed to be realistic, but the current situation might be exacerbated by the sinking of main landing gear) and more.
We'll keep you updated on our progress and also note what is intentional/correct behaviour, and what is not.

In our previous monthly update we noted that we hope to ship all backer rewards in February; but while we've made significant progress on this front, we have shifted production runs to allow for shipments in late March.

Likewise, as noted previously, we have combined several backer rewards into bigger, more useful, and better crafted items.
These include for example printed manuals, T-Shirts, other printed artwork. We think you will be very happy with the level we've been able to attain.
These items will be presented shortly, so we can receive your input and hold off until mostly everyone is satisfied.

In our last newsletter, we mentioned significant growth of our team and the establishment of a new, permanent, studio in Swinoujscie, Poland.
While our new studio is not quite yet operational; it is complete and in its' initial transitory phase.
We're extremely excited to be able to grow and increase our production output, as it allows me to tease you all with secretive new content on a far more frequent basis.

Growing the development team requires us to revise our internal thinking and workflow quite considerably.
As the team and both our old and new aircraft and theatres grow in size and complexity, our current, tight-knit form of communication and task delegation is rapidly becoming obsolete. Thus, significant effort has been made throughout January and February to convert to and more effectively use project management tools and also revamp our workflow. While this may sound (oh, who are we kidding, it is) completely uninteresting, the take-away is that we are able to significantly enhance our effectiveness and thus content creation speed.

Basically: We're going corporate. Expect more evil in LNS modules from now on.

In the last newsletter we also noted that we had already expanded the team considerably, and I can now take the time to proudly introduce you to our new team members. We feel incredibly lucky to be able to work with more individuals who share our passion, drive and commitment. Without further ado; please welome .

Our Team section on our site has been updated accordingly; and features some snippets of information about the new cannon, team members.

Aircraft development during the past two months has been progressing at a fantastic rate.
Just like our changes in project management and task delegation, we too have been making big changes in the nitty gritty of our development process.

The MiG-21 was an isolated product with a very specific codebase. To more efficiently move forward, we have spent a lot of time restructuring our projects and code itself, now adhering to a more general framework.
This will allow us to more quickly prototype new aircraft and to get into the real meat of avionics and FM coding, as well as increase efficiency of started projects and code-porting.
We have also written several internal tools which will help to enhance these benefits.

We are working in parallel on our three advanced aircraft projects; but that isn't quite the whole story.
In addition to these main, flyable aircraft modules, we are investing a lot of hard work into the creation of auxiliary components, such as: Tanks, Ships, AI Only Aircraft and much more.
These items are heavily related to our theatre development plans, and represent one of our most ambitious undertakings.

All three of our aircraft have necessitated the need to develop new, internal technologies that we did not need for the MiG-21. Some of these have been more challenging than others-- and some will probably genuinely make your jaw drop.
By developing these difficult features, we are later able to adapt them to new aircraft, and thus shorten our development times even further.
Examples of complexity include e.g. Ground Radar, AI Systems, and more.

Currently, we hope to release two aircraft during the course of 2015. As usual, everything is subject to change, but as we become more experienced, we are able to better gauge our progress and remaining workload.
The aforementioned project management and structure changes play a part in this as well. All indications point to two Leatherneck releases this year.
I do not think you will be disappointed in the aircraft on offer.

That just leaves the elephant in the room.

The answer is Monday.

We will announce one of our new, advanced modules on Monday. Apologies to those of you who have spent half the night up mashing your F5 key, but we need the extra day to facilitate the creation of our announcement materials.
For those of you with sharpened pitchforks; there are free sausages in the fridge and I see you've already started a sizeable fire. Just grab a seat until Monday.

The primary purpose of the establishment of our new, permanent studio is theatre development and everything therein.
Theatre development requires a vast amount of content, especially if the theatre is set in a location or era not related to any currently available and developed location.
While our theatre development plans are still in the early phases, considerable progress is being made. I just used the word theatre a lot.

In particular, we have been conducting a lot of research on various topics. E.g. how to utilize various tools to enhance lower fidelity DEM data, or various texture baking techniques and how hand-sculpted terrain assets can be integrated into a DEM base. By leveraging the power of EDGE, we can follow in Eagle's footsteps and try to really push the boundaries.

While plans may change, we currently hope to bundle two small theatres for free with both of the aircraft we're planning to release this year.
Both theatres are significantly different from each other and will require the construction of a lot of content that can be re-used down the line.

In closing;

Thanks for sticking with us, we appreciate it more than we could ever convey.
We're constantly looking to improve, but we're only human. We do try our best.

The next monthly update will be before the middle of March – to compensate you for your long wait.
By then, it'll be a whole different conversation.

Leatherneck Simulations
/Nicholas Dackard

Artist & Evil Corporate Overlord
Leatherneck Simulations

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Old 12-31-15, 07:42 PM   #4
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Extense LeatherNeck 2016 new year project update (plans F-14A Late 2016)
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Old 03-14-16, 07:37 AM   #5
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Leatherneck has searching high resolution pics of Forrestal class carriers.
Dear All,

We're looking for any high resolution photos of any of the Forrestal class carriers.

Primary areas of interest are images of the island, hangar deck and flight deck. The more and the higher the res the better! Any era or ship of the class is fine.

Many thanks in advance for any help!
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Old 05-06-16, 04:30 AM   #6
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Leatherneck little update, F4U-1D Corsair delayed with the pacific teather to late summer, and news about fixes on Mig-21bis
Hi All,

We'll try to crosspost most of the important posts we make on the forum in this thread- to avoid them being buried in the depths of a thread and information being limited.

On the F4U-1D Corsair
The F4U-1 is on a very temporary development hold as we wait for some new terrain technology to become available in the core engine- as well as focus fully on the AJS-37 until completion.

I'd expect us to announce/show the Pacific project in full before the end of Summer, however- and a release of the Corsair this year.
It's still being very much actively worked on in general, there's just a temporary lull for the Corsair itself.

On the MiG-21 not working in 2.0.2
We're waiting for some engine binaries to be made available so that we can properly debug and fix the 2.0.X issues.

On the radar issues in 1.5.3
Radar bugs in 1.5.3 have been solved and will be available in the next patch.
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Old 06-10-16, 01:43 PM   #7
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Leatherneck AJS-37 Viggen progress update.
On the AJS-37 Viggen and current progress

We're still working hard and in pseudo-crunch mode.
There are no conspiracies, no issues- just a lot of hard work bringing mantis walls of red into the green.

2 Weeks (tm)
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Old 07-24-16, 01:46 PM   #8
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Leatherneck progress update

ED Forums - View Single Post - LN Quick Status Update (We're alive!)
Dear All,

First of all- thank you all for your patience in the past year.
Unfortunately plans don't always work out, and we're working very hard to remedy the situation as quickly as possible.

Here's a very quick summary of what we're working on and where we stand.

AJS-37 Viggen
We're all fairly quiet and keeping our heads low- as we're still very much knee deep in the AJS-37 completion crunch. Most of the current work is focused on a few critical areas:
Correction of erroneous artwork
Fixing of a few hundred bugs, including some critical
Completion of ground mapping radar shader & visuals (Performance!)
Campaign & Mission completion. (1 Mini Campaign, 1 Major Campaign & Training suite)
Marketing materials, music licensing, livestream planning
Expansion of the LN Site (including Merchandise- and MiG-21 rewards)
New Theatres
The past few weeks have seen the completion of the last research trips conducted with real Viggens. Again, we visited the JA-37Di at Graz-Thalerhof to be able to remedy some of the erroneously constructed artwork. (Canopies are a PITA!). We're very grateful to all of the museums around Europe, which have graciously afforded us the ability to crawl all over their aircraft in search for complete accuracy.

The Viggen has been a very challenging project for us, both in size and complexity- but primarily in the new features that will be introduced with the aircraft. Our own, custom ground mapping radar has been a point of very difficult development- but we sincerely hope that the end result will be stunning in every way.

It all sounds, in writing, a little more pessimistic than it really should. We're getting there.

The F-14 is progressing steadily and many new systems are being consistently implemented.
There are not too many "unknowns" or- directly- new features involved in the F-14, which make the development process a little easier.

We have begun relying on the expertise of SMEs to ensure accuracy of various systems, the flight model, and other features. It's been very helpful to fill in the gaps that exist in the documentation, which- unfortunately are quite large. It's also been helpful so far in ensuring that the feel and look of certain aircraft systems is accurate. A concrete example would be the refresh rate for the HUD and VDI.

We've also begun conducting concrete CFD experiments for the AIM-54, to ensure that the missile is modelled to the most accurate extent possible.
We'll be doing a full update dedicated to just this area, as soon as we start getting concrete results from our simulations.

We'll be sharing much more on the F-14 once the AJS-37 is out the door, and more resources are freed up to produce enjoyable visual material.

The last few patches for DCS have seen the inclusion of a few new MiG-21 features, and we still have a few large items that we need to take care of to ensure the full completion of this module.

These include some sound updates, visual updates- as well as backporting a few new features from the AJS-37 and F-14 projects.
There are, of course, also a few bugs left with aircraft functionality- and we're getting to these as quickly as possible.

We have not, nor will we ever abandon our previously released modules. They're all equally important to us, and we hope that we have, and will continue to prove this moving forward.

Again, thank you for all of your patience and support.

We're eternally grateful to have such a great and understanding fanbase, and if we could take all the premature teasing back, we would.
We're always trying to improve, and the past couple of years have been a great learning experience.

Thank you!
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