What's red and white and heavy? 1/18th scale.
Thanks to the following SUBSIM SUBscribers!
Straniero1971, ghidasi, Jetace98, Fizzy808, Mororless, branchman41, bobw73, zigzera, panzerstew,
RaoulZ, TheDeep, FundinIronhill44, PatrickS1974, Dr. Gonzo, cmoyle92092, keneek, SpaceMarine0713,
NeonFrog, submariner620, Aadamb34, Hawkins, Fizwalker, Timo181172, Foxendown, jorgedeburgos,
Novak220, chermsen, rickmedley, dentyneiceberg, MagneticMonkey, JakubTheIcePol, Brooklyn379,
Kappnkappa, daxelos, Twilight2k, certainreasons, sailfish, LTPYTHON, Unterseeboot505, kg6eyr, dy88jr,
nicko718, Jojobejo, Subman101, king_uzi, Uncle Jertzy, orangewhale, GOZO, bakker28, Hooston, Murdock,
Lince, wien, JP1949, SilentBill, Keltos, Furia, bootsmann, Artigliere, vickers03, halosaro, Cybermat47,
Warrant306, Formoren, Singed, RagnarTheTerrible, MG_KMS_, sak1134, elkcreek, , HereforFastAttack,
dvdjb7, torridersow5, Acheon, CrabKey, holly38, SolePressure, BarnesBL0278, Capt. Achilles, kstalls89,
LittleDawg, will14, AquilaEmpire13, Ken2, Mr_Anonymous98, stenhammer, wombat2k, oztoo, Capt RAP,
villaortiz, Hausverkur, striker-dm, & the mighty cpfox !
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