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Old 05-07-18, 08:13 AM   #10096
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Support Confused about campaign transfer and firing torps

Hey all,

I tried open horizons back when it first came out, I believe as far as I can see that this mod is partly based on OHII but with a lot of things changed.

first off I am confused about the campaign transfer, I see a lot of talk about it but I honestly do not understand a damn thing what I am supposed to do with it.

A: What is the campaign transfer about
B: Do I need to trigger it to play the game with this mod

Other than that I am merely confused on how I have to trigger it if I need it for this mod. I know, I've seen the links and I read them, however, for some reason I do not think that I am getting it all correctly.

As far as I am aware I have been starting a new campaign with a fresh profile.

I seem to have started at the first flotilla instead of at Sea like in the original campaign. According to what I see I need to be in my submarine preferably somewhere at open sea without any AI around me.

I understand that I need to wait until the date passes 1st March 1941?

and if I do this, can I sink shipping before that date or do I just put myself in a corner somewhere out in the sea and use time compression?

now if I read correctly when the end date is reached I will get a message what I need to do within the campaign the problem is that I never get these instructions and I tried it 3 times already.


Aside from that, I have another problem.

I like submarine sims like silent hunter games and those like cold waters but there is a limit to my understanding of how submarines REALLY work and the time I want to put into it to learn it.

I am not even close to a math buff, so, I end up using the tools provided to me at the max.

One of these tools is the solution lines, and the dots on the solution lines on both my sub and the leading dot on the targeted ship.

The problem is the options are ticked on but the dots do not show for me.

The question:

A: What did I do wrong that they do not show
B: how to enable them correctly [rememeber I already ticked the marks on]

Anyway thanks for any assistance that you are able to give me ...

Best regards

Last edited by LiquitHQ; 05-07-18 at 08:25 AM.
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Old 05-07-18, 10:59 AM   #10097
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Originally Posted by LiquitHQ View Post
Hey all,

I tried open horizons back when it first came out, I believe as far as I can see that this mod is partly based on OHII but with a lot of things changed.

first off I am confused about the campaign transfer, I see a lot of talk about it but I honestly do not understand a damn thing what I am supposed to do with it.

A: What is the campaign transfer about
B: Do I need to trigger it to play the game with this mod

Other than that I am merely confused on how I have to trigger it if I need it for this mod. I know, I've seen the links and I read them, however, for some reason I do not think that I am getting it all correctly.

As far as I am aware I have been starting a new campaign with a fresh profile.

I seem to have started at the first flotilla instead of at Sea like in the original campaign. According to what I see I need to be in my submarine preferably somewhere at open sea without any AI around me.

I understand that I need to wait until the date passes 1st March 1941?

and if I do this, can I sink shipping before that date or do I just put myself in a corner somewhere out in the sea and use time compression?

now if I read correctly when the end date is reached I will get a message what I need to do within the campaign the problem is that I never get these instructions and I tried it 3 times already.
No need to worry much about campaign transfers in latest TWoS versions... Just sail your campaign, hunt ships and when the time comes, specially developed set of in game radio messages will tell you what to do...Don't pay too much attention to Mama's tweaks ect...

Aside from that, I have another problem.

I like submarine sims like silent hunter games and those like cold waters but there is a limit to my understanding of how submarines REALLY work and the time I want to put into it to learn it.

I am not even close to a math buff, so, I end up using the tools provided to me at the max.

One of these tools is the solution lines, and the dots on the solution lines on both my sub and the leading dot on the targeted ship.

The problem is the options are ticked on but the dots do not show for me.

The question:

A: What did I do wrong that they do not show
B: how to enable them correctly [rememeber I already ticked the marks on]

Anyway thanks for any assistance that you are able to give me ...

Best regards
Those options should be available in map settings screen or OFEV application. Not sure, I never used those things...
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Old 05-07-18, 11:28 AM   #10098
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I would also like to give a special thanks to the Captains who have supported my work in last two months trough the available TWoS PayPal link:

- Jason Jara
- Peter "Theberbster" Scott - who have also made several donations so far...
- and especially to Andreas Vogt for his enormous 100 euro donation which left me quite speechless!

You guys know that modding is my hobby and that I would do it completely for free and without any compensation, but with your support even my wife is starting to be more reasonable for my passion.
Thank you very much once again and I really hope you'll enjoy TWoS!

Happy hunting!!!
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Old 05-07-18, 01:25 PM   #10099
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Originally Posted by vdr1981 View Post
No need to worry much about campaign transfers in latest TWoS versions... Just sail your campaign, hunt ships and when the time comes, specially developed set of in game radio messages will tell you what to do...Don't pay too much attention to Mama's tweaks ect...


Originally Posted by vdr1981 View Post
Those options should be available in map settings screen or OFEV application. Not sure, I never used those things...
The options are available on the maps but the dots do not show up. the solution line works but the dots are kinda the things I need because I clearly do not know how to deal with the plot calculations so I am afraid that I am kinda crippled now

kind regards

Last edited by LiquitHQ; 05-07-18 at 06:52 PM.
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Old 05-07-18, 05:58 PM   #10100
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and especially to Andreas Vogt for his enormous 100 euro donation which left me quite speechless!
Well done AV you deserve to mentioned again. absolutely outstanding.

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Old 05-07-18, 06:37 PM   #10101
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Thank you for the help, i do have another issue, in game when i open the captain's log, my U boat doesn't have a number, it says my U boat name is the following: U-**. In the commander add on it does say the correct name, but is there any solution to this in game? Its a little annoying to me.
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Old 05-07-18, 06:48 PM   #10102
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Originally Posted by avers View Post
Thank you for the help, i do have another issue, in game when i open the captain's log, my U boat doesn't have a number, it says my U boat name is the following: U-**. In the commander add on it does say the correct name, but is there any solution to this in game? Its a little annoying to me.
That one I know, make sure you have something like notpad++ installed for this since it involves editing a file

first head to -> YOUR DRIVE INSTALL location -> Silent Hunter 5\data\Scripts\Menu

scroll all the way down you will see

right click it and edit it with notpad++
press CTRL+F paste in this -> Ships Journal

scroll down a little you will see

UboatHullNumber="U-**" -> change this to your U-boat hull number
UboatCaptainName="OLt zS Eisen Wolf" -> Change this to whatever name you want to give your captain

make sure to save it and you are done, on next game load, your log will show the correct hull number and your captain name.

best of regards

Last edited by LiquitHQ; 05-07-18 at 07:43 PM.
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Old 05-08-18, 01:46 AM   #10103
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Originally Posted by LiquitHQ View Post
That one I know, make sure you have something like notpad++ installed for this since it involves editing a file
Better to use the supplied editor, as it will edit your save files too so the built-in messages match.
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Old 05-08-18, 01:51 AM   #10104
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Originally Posted by LiquitHQ View Post
The options are available on the maps but the dots do not show up. the solution line works but the dots are kinda the things I need because I clearly do not know how to deal with the plot calculations so I am afraid that I am kinda crippled now
You can edit the User options with the OptionsFileEditorViewer.exe located at /data/applications in your installation folder. Here you can re-enable all the stuff that makes it easier to play - especially the AutoTDC. The File you need to edit with it is located at /data/scripts/menu/

With AutoTDC active, all you have to do to get a solution is:

Lock on Target
Unlock Target
Point periscope at part of ship you want to hit (plus set correct depth)

Also in the editor you can make it that the manual TDC is disabled by default (XO icon), and is hidden until you need it. The manual TDC has to be disabled (in game) to use this method. But if you set the options correctly, it will already be disabled by default.

Last edited by desepticon; 05-08-18 at 02:00 AM.
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Old 05-08-18, 03:44 AM   #10105
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Hi avers
You need to make the changes here

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Old 05-08-18, 06:26 AM   #10106
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Originally Posted by desepticon View Post
Better to use the supplied editor, as it will edit your save files too so the built-in messages match.
Ohw I dint know about that tool I still did it all how I did it from back when I first plaid a similar mod like this ...
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Old 05-08-18, 07:15 AM   #10107
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Originally Posted by desepticon View Post
You can edit the User options with the OptionsFileEditorViewer.exe located at /data/applications in your installation folder. Here you can re-enable all the stuff that makes it easier to play - especially the AutoTDC. The File you need to edit with it is located at /data/scripts/menu/
I went in there and I found this in the TAI and NavMap options.


The only thing it does is ticking the options on by default on the minimap and map without my actually doing it myself.

The problem is that it still doesn't show me the round numbers in the actual game in the minimap or map, it seems that for some reason the visual round numbers are disabled regardless the fact that I have enabled them in the options.

I do not know where I have to find these option to enable it to make them actually show on the map like I had them.

Also, I am not using any other mods other than the ones provided in the wolves of steel mod...

Originally Posted by desepticon View Post
With AutoTDC active, all you have to do to get a solution is:

Lock on Target
Unlock Target
Point periscope at part of ship you want to hit (plus set correct depth)

Also in the editor you can make it that the manual TDC is disabled by default (XO icon), and is hidden until you need it. The manual TDC has to be disabled (in game) to use this method. But if you set the options correctly, it will already be disabled by default.
I've been looking hard to find this, I am not sure if this is related to the round numbers but with all the options there I went through them all twice and I think I also went over some of them a third time where I think I can find them logically but so far no luck.

The only thing I was able to find is the lock/break lock in the scope settings

Since I have been going through all these options so many times I seem to have acquired myself some excessive tunnel vision syndrome so is there a possibility that someone can show me a print screen with the exact location where I have to make these changes?

EDIT: This is just for reference and a picture I was able to find on the internet -> these are the solution numbers I need to show on the minimap

Now in my Game they sadly do not show like you can see in the picture below.


Last edited by LiquitHQ; 05-08-18 at 07:53 AM.
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Old 05-08-18, 07:52 AM   #10108
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Hi L
Check this out.
Post #146 Auto TDC Targeting Without Using 3 Circles > Pictorial > Missing pictures replaced
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Old 05-08-18, 08:02 AM   #10109
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Originally Posted by THEBERBSTER View Post
Honestly, I am not sure where I need to look at

EDIT: nevermind I think I get it, at least I think


Last edited by LiquitHQ; 05-08-18 at 09:42 AM.
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Old 05-08-18, 08:50 AM   #10110
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How do i turn on the mini map in game?
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