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Old 11-09-08, 05:34 PM   #1
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DCG Campaign: Singapore 1941


Game version: IL2:1946 - 4.09m (Modded, using the Unified Installer Version 1.0)
Current Campaign: singapore 1941
Flight Schedule: Monday, Wednesday (Probally), Friday
Time of Flight: 22:00 - 22:30 GMT+1

We seperate the pilots in 2 wings, Red wing and Blue wing playing as the Allied forces. We seperate ourselfs too in the Channels on Teamspeak to prevent radio confusion inside each wing, for the ones with a Microphone we shall instruct you how to Whisper to the other channel to give the necessary information in the Sortie.

The 2 Wing co-operate, with eachother but also the individual pilots in one wing have to co-operate to make the wing a powerfull fighting force.
I thereby turn also the Free camera off, so we are more aware of our surrounding then we usual do. Also all pilots of a wing take the SAME aircraft preferably by the Number/letters too (like RAF uses A,B,C)

In a wing you have a 1 Wingleader and the wingmen.
the wingleader has to inform his men of his Engine management Throttle, pitch, Wep On/off, Radiators so his men can keep up with his phase.
this also includes planned Hight, and heading (usually the waypoints)
in a fighters versus fighters the wing will most likely engage in a Circus try to cover eachother. but if there is a chance to attack unescorted bombers try to plan your attack all together.

so all in all, Teamwork all the way this time chaps!

(these wings are by default, may there be a issue with the amount of players we may adjust the wings in order to balance both)

Red Wing -
HunterICX - Wing leader
Oberon - Wingman

Blue Wing -
Fincuan - Wing leader
Raptor1 - Wingman
Task Force - Wingman

**Please let me know on which Wing you would like to fly by default**

has anyone else something to note or suggest? please let me know


Last edited by HunterICX; 01-19-09 at 06:58 PM.
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Old 11-11-08, 05:17 AM   #2
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Here's a few more shots of Hunter's Hurricane, this time trying to evade a few Emils:

Last edited by Fincuan; 11-11-08 at 05:25 AM.
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Old 11-11-08, 06:07 PM   #3
Lucky Jack
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^ :rotfl:


Somewhere in France, 1940...

Dear Mum
I arrived 'ere in France four days ago, it's a funny sort of place, the people drive on the wrong side of the road, but Jerry wants it real bad. I've been assigned to 1 Squadron, our leader is a gent called Hunter, nice chap, looks a bit like that chap in that Frankenstein film I told you about. I'm his number two, there's another chap, Fin and an American loan pilot Taskforce, nice chaps, they fly Spits.
I was awfully anxious to get up and give Jerry what for, so imagine my delight when we got a scramble to escort some Blenheims. Hunter and I took up our Hurricanes, lovely old kites they are, anyway, we escort the Blennies to their target at [CENSORED] and they dropped their load. Meanwhile Taskforce and Fin in their Spits spotted a gaggle of 109s, so once we saw the Blennies safely on their way we dived down to have a go.
Hunter claimed a 109, I can confirm, I saw the smoke out of its engine! I took a couple of shots, but he did most of the work, I was busy watching his six o clock. Unfortunately a couple of Jerries got past me and he took a couple of hits, nothing too bad, these kites are awfully tough, but he was swarming in Jerries so he turned back for home. Something wasn't right with his control stick though, so his landing was a little rougher than normal. Hopefully the fitters will sort that out, Taskforce made it back alright, although his Merlin engine was a little worse for wear. I'm afraid Fin got shot down, I'm not sure if he's alright, they haven't told us yet.
I'm alright though Mum, there were some 109s over our airfield, and the old Archie was banging away at them, so I decided to join in the fun. But Mum, those 109s are fast little blighters, I gave him a couple of extra holes but he was able to get away, slippery little fish that Jerry is.
I'm afraid I might have also done my bit for Anglo-French relations, but their man in the control tower Mum, oh he is annoying. I tried to tell him to be quiet in French, but I don't think he heard me.
Anyway, better dash, we're taking the car into Bastogne to take a look at the town, hope Dad's ok.

Love Oberon

Hunter tackles a Jerry

My trusty fitter took this shot of me coming back into land, bit bouncey I'm afraid!
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Old 11-11-08, 07:24 PM   #4
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Hehe nice letter

I'm afraid I wasn't shot down though, I destroyed my engine by pushing the stick forwards and had to bug out.
I ditched on our side of the lines, but those damn Jarmins strafed and killed me.

Oberon in action:

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Old 11-12-08, 06:20 PM   #5
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Dear Mum
I'm writing to you from a hospital in Bastogne, now don't worry, it's not too bad, just a few bumps and scrapes, the Doctor says I'll be back in the air in no time. I wish my Hurri was that easy to fix, I tell you Mum my fitter is in a right funk, he comes out with a dustpan and brush every time I come home now!
Another chap from the Commonwealth joined us today, name of Raptor, I'm afraid Fin is still missing, they found his burning Spitfire five days ago but no sign of a body, the ground had been strafed a lot by the 109s, bloody butchers, so we're not that confident, but you never know, he might surprise us. Tangled with Jerry a couple of times, Taskforce and Raptor took a chance to fly with the French the other day in their Hawks, they swear that they're never going to do it again. Taskforce had a nasty fall courtesy of Jerry but Raptor managed to take a 109 with him, so that's always good.
Kratos, a northern chap, he was our number three, but sadly Jerry got him too, somewhere over St Vith way, I followed him down and saw him crashland ok, I hope he's alright and Jerry will treat him properly.
On the way back from escorting Kratos my kite caught a packet from some Jerry Archie over one of their airbases, one of my elevators got shot off and my Merlin was riddled. I managed to get her most of the way back, it sounded like a had a canary trapped in my engine! Unfortunately she gave out just short of the airfield, I made it onto the taxiway (some Blenheims were using the runway) but rolled and had a little fire, I wish there was a tool for ditching the fuel before a landing like that ((Oleg...)) but I got out okay with just a couple of scorches...sadly my kite was a write-off.
They got me a new one though for the next go, and Raptor and Taskforce tried the Blenheims, they got caught out by some 109s though, so our wing came to the rescue, we stumbled across some Junkers and tucked in, Hunter hit one but then collided with the wreckage of the second. All I heard from him was "Oh [censored]" and that was it. He might have gotten out, I didn't see, time will tell when I get out of this hospital.
I followed a bunch of dots in the sky that turned out to be Stukas! They're faster than they look, it took me ages to close and when I finally got within firing range, do you know what happened? My Merlin stalled, of all the times! So I had to abort and return to base, I thought that I'd be gliding again, but thankfully she started up again.
You might ask, if my kite was in good shape, why am I in hospital? Well, Mum, some joker has decided to build two storey houses right next to the taxiway, and guess who clipped one while landing?
It has its up-sides though, these French nurses are awfully pretty, I'm going out to the riverside now with Marie, so I'll wrap this up and write again soon.
How's things in Blighty anyway? Love to Dad.

Red Leader and Red Two on patrol over France 1940

Red Two escorts Red Three to his crashlanding point somewhere behind enemy lines.

Red Two coming in unpowered


Hunters first Junkers goes down while Taskforce discusses navigation

Stukas! So close and far...
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Old 11-13-08, 06:37 PM   #6
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Dear Mum
Finally bagged myself a Jerry! But not after giving my poor old fitter another nervous breakdown!
Hunter had survived his mid-air collision, he was in good spirits as we took to the sky again, it was one of those slow days, you know the type Mum, where everything seems to drag past like a slideshow. Hunter said something about the Gods downloading something, but I'm not sure what he meant. Anyway, no sooner had we taken off into some horrible weather (I thought France and Belgium were supposed to have nice summers? This was like a holiday at Skegness!) then we ran into some Stukas and Ju-88s, twin engined bombers those 88s but those Jerries throw them around the sky like fighters, I don't know how they do it.
All this cloud though meant that it wasn't long before I lost Hunter, he went off and did quite well for himself, I found Fin and Taskforce in their Spitfires and followed them for a while and then stumbled across Hunter again. We closed in on some Stukas who were targetting our base, ironic really, they lead us home. We curved into the cloud to get them but as we did, Hunter hit one in the cloud and went down, he got out alright though but it was a horrible prang. I got up behind one of the Stukas and emptied my entire magazine into him, but he must have been too far away because it didn't do anything. His rear-gunner on the other hand shot up my cockpit, busted my flight panel and destroyed my elevators. I wasn't going to be able to land in that shape, so I had to bail. The fitter reckons that Hawker are going to run out of Hurricanes if I keep this up, I think he's joking...
Second sortee, we went up and headed out to find some Stukas over Bastogne, we found them just fine and both myself and Hunter got a kill each before we ran out of ammunition and had to come home. A group of Heinkels and 109s had had a spot of fun over our base, Fin and Taskforce had engaged them with their Spitfires, Fin did well but Taskforce caught the raw end of a 109. I tell you something about those Stukas Mum, something a bit fishy in my opinion, you see popular habit has us go at the Stukas from [CENSORED] and [CENSORED] but somehow the Jerries can pivot their guns downwards through their plane to shoot at you. I told the group CO but he doesn't believe me, called me a Flanders Stuka Murderer, whatever that means. One good thing about the He-111s visit though is that they demolished those two-storey houses I crashed into the other day. So hopefully I won't run into those again.
Hope you're in good health, funny you meeting Uncle Anthony again, send him my best regards.

Damn those Stuka rear-gunners, they messed up my office!!

Red Leader bags a Stuka while Red Two is showered in bits of Stuka

Red Two gets his Bandit

Taskforce meets his match in a group of Emils

While Fin tackles the 111s

The fitter was so amazed to see myself and Red Leader intact that he took a picture!
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Old 11-14-08, 06:18 PM   #7
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at the missions
More 109s than I could count, and I'll remember not to go head-on against them in the future. Was doing just fine until that

Here's Hunter showing his skillz, with a bit of an unexpected result:

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Old 11-15-08, 07:09 PM   #8
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TarJak clims to catch up with Hunter as TaskForce struggling wiht the spped of his C-47:

But the usual result for me as I lose a wing to AAA and a 109. I managed to bail out and got captured:

I managed to bag a HE-III but didn't get credited with the kill

Hunter meanwhile landed safely:

Last edited by HunterICX; 11-15-08 at 07:22 PM.
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Old 11-17-08, 03:47 PM   #9
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From tonight the Campaign will continue:
we restart France40
C47's - Disabled (AI Only)
Externals off (but due a small mod it will be turned on as soon you've been shot down, at least that's how it supposed to work)



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Old 11-20-08, 11:11 AM   #10
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I wont be Online tonight, just so you all know

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Old 11-22-08, 02:48 PM   #11
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Im guessing there are only flights on the weekdays.
Task Force industries "Taking control of the world, one mind at a time"

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Old 11-22-08, 06:21 PM   #12
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Le people of France have been freed from Le Foul Traitor, Pétain is DEAD!
Current Eastern Front status: Probable Victory

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Old 11-22-08, 06:48 PM   #13
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'e's not dead, 'e's pining for the fjords!
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Old 11-24-08, 11:40 AM   #14
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So, did the Antwerp bridge get omgwtfpwnbbqed yesterday, as foretold by my predictions?
Current Eastern Front status: Probable Victory
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Old 11-24-08, 11:46 AM   #15
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Originally Posted by Raptor1
So, did the Antwerp bridge get omgwtfpwnbbqed yesterday, as foretold by my predictions?
Havent got a clue, no-one showed up for a flight yesterday as it was Sunday so we have yet to see where we are today. but I know Stalin has made some important notes of that bridge attack.


Last edited by HunterICX; 11-24-08 at 11:48 AM.
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