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Old 04-27-15, 03:00 PM   #1
Posts: n/a
SHO AoD Career: Karl Hartenstein

Grey Wolves!

Roughly two and a half years ago, I reported about the short career of KpLt. Franz Kerber,
who perished in the icy North Atlantic during his second patrol in 1940 after an air attack.

Today, I wish to introduce you to Oberleutnant z.S. Karl Hartenstein!

Patrol 1
25 Jun 1940
Late Evening

After successfully completing the Frontausbildung(front training) in the Baltic Sea,
I receive my first assignment to answer the call of duty of the Fatherland.

However, before we leave we have an appointment in the 'Bar Royal'.
Most of the Piepels(nickname for enlisted men on u-boats) are terribly drunk,
yet I am able to find a seat at the table of some fellow, sober, commanders.
On top, I am able to keep an eye at the lady on the stage as well...

Since I am a new face in the U-Flottille 'Weddigen', I am expected to buy the next round of beer and
while the alcohol level among my comrades rises, I learn about the latest news...

26 Jun 1940
Early morning

After a rough and, thanks to the lady on the stage, rather eventful night, I head for Korvettenkapitän Eckermann's office,
the commander of the U-Flottille 'Weddigen', to receive my patrol orders.
While waiting next to his door, my eye catches the chalk board with the current top aces.
Without expression, I wonder if my name will ever appear high on this board...

The commander briefs me quickly yet thoroughly and dismisses me with a snappy salute, wishing me the best of luck for my first patrol.
Alas, my first command.

After the I.WO hands over the freshly outfitted boat, we slowly leave Kiel with most of the men on deck.
Their faces and uniforms still clean...
On the boats' conning tower the new emblem, 'the wild Onager' amuses the crowd, while a naval band plays a classic German piece,
'Erzherzog Albrecht Marsch'.

Although the boat is rather new, I can already see signs of usage among the valves and equipment,
even rust seems to appear already...

The II.WO discusses the torpedo load out with me.
I requested a complete T I armament since the T III, while next to impossible to spot on the surface, appears to have some problems.
At least I was convinced by their faultiness during my time in the Torpedoschule (torpedo school) in Flensburg-Mürwik.
My complaints did not find any attention though, and I got accused of having "inconsistent aiming"... tse!

As we leave the Kaiser-Wilhelm-Kanal (Kiel channel) behind us,
I start to prepare the Kriegstagebuch.

Later that Evening

We barely left the main land behind us and already the watch crew reports a ship in sight!
My heart beats twice as fast and I struggle to hide my emotions from my crew while I head for the bridge...

As we close in, we see the British flag flying above the merchant vessel.

Well then, I.WO, your turn!
With a calm voice and in professional routine, the I.WO attacks the clueless ship from point blank range...

Half a minute later a huge water column rises and the ship breaks apart immediately.
While watching her go down in a matter of seconds, I can hear my crew cheering loudly from below through the opened hatch.
I can't hide my emotions now, congratulate the I.WO and try not to think about the crew of the destroyed ship.

After searching the surface for possible survivors,
I order to return on the original course.
Roughly 24hrs later, the Obersteuermann (navigator) informs me that we have reached our patrol area, AN43.

Days later, after cruising through the area in a search pattern,
I send a status report to the BdU, followed by a battle report.

Suddenly, the voice of the III.WO rips the monotone silence apart...

Last edited by Nippelspanner; 04-28-15 at 02:53 AM.
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Old 04-27-15, 03:01 PM   #2
Posts: n/a

Crash dive!
The boat quickly slips under the waves and vanishes into the safety of the Northern Sea...

We surface at 1900 to recharge the batteries and breath some fresh air again.
After days of nothing, I decide to request new orders from the BdU...

And new orders,
I shall receive.

En route to our new patrol area we intercept many contact reports from other u-boats.
Unfortunately, none of the reported convoys is even remotely close to us...

Yet again,
the unwelcome sighting of a British airplane forces us underwater...

And this time it was a close call,
the dropped depth charges detonate close to us,
shaking boat and crew around.
No damage though.

Other boats are more lucky and actually find convoys.

Days and nights go by and we still find nothing but occasional air contacts.
Again I request new orders...

Damn my impatience!
The BdU responds: "Did not understand your last message."
Just one way to remind me of my place and to do as ordered, I think while feeling embarrassed.

While we waste fuel in this sea of ghosts, other u-boats still report contacts.
I make a fist and swallow my anger.

10 Aug 1940

I am trying to stay awake while reading 'Moby Dick',
when I hear the relieving report from the bridge...

In a heart beat I reach the top of the bridge.
A merchant, no lights.

Not bad, around 4000 tons the watch officer guesses,
checking the vessel with the UZO.

"Rohr 1, los!"

But wait,
the target keeps steaming on.

No visible fire, vessel won't slow down.
"Fangschuss, I.WO!"

The second torpedo does the trick.
The ship sinks stern first into the cold sea.

The following morning, already home bound, we stumble across a small tanker.
Having two torpedoes left, I decide to put them to use...

...but the first torpedo is a dud... is the second and last one.
I said it.
Something is wrong with these eels!

19 Aug 1940
Early Morning

After an uneventful journey home,
we arrive near Kiel and request an escort to the bunker...

While a tug guides us in,
I finish the last KTB entry of this patrol...

U-115 'The wild Onager' returns home safe and sound,
two pennants with the numbers 8000 and 4000 flying proudly above the boat!

Last edited by Nippelspanner; 04-28-15 at 02:52 AM.
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Old 04-27-15, 03:14 PM   #3
Posts: n/a

Debriefing with Korvkpt. Eckermann.

Career results so far...

Let's see if Hartenstein will survive his second patrol,
or if he will be as unlucky as Kerber.

Last edited by Nippelspanner; 04-28-15 at 03:32 AM.
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Old 04-28-15, 01:14 AM   #4
Posts: n/a

Career Summary

Patrol 2

10 Sep 1940
Late Evening

The best news source these days seems to be drunk u-boat men,
so I leave for the Bar to catch up with the latest gossip.

after three long weeks ashore
our boat and crew is ready to leave Kiel again!

We slowly slip out of Kiel harbor while a crowd composed of locals,
military personnel and sweet flower throwing nurses wave us good bye.

After clearing the Elbe,
I order to head right for our patrol area.
The Northern Sea awaits us.

We reach AN61 the same evening and
start to patrol the area at low speed to save some fuel.

16 Sep 1940

The watch officer yells down the sub:
"Ship spotted, bearing 291°!".

A closer look confirms we found our first prey!
A small darkened tanker.

The night is dark enough to close in.
Many commanders shoot from further out but with the faulty T III torpedoes,
I want to get as close as possible.

After reaching a good position, I tap the I.WO's shoulder
and tell him to engage the vessel.
Seconds later...

...the small tanker goes up in flames.
Petrol or aviation fuel of some sorts I think to myself.

Back on course,
we receive contact reports from far, far away.

Speaking about far away...
We come across a fast troop ship that is impossible to intercept for our slow boat.
We reported the position and course, maybe the Luftwaffe is more lucky.

20 Sep 1940

We spotted a merchant at slow speed.
Although it is dark enough and cloudy, I decide to attack submerged.
A possible deck gun was spotted aboard the target vessel.

While preparing to launch tube 1, I realize that I still didn't sink a ship myself.
The last submerged attack on that lucky tanker during the first patrol was a disaster,
two duds in a row... or is it me after all?
The I.WO performed the surface attacks, already sinking 3 ships.
This is it. It will work out.

And it does.
Shortly after the impact, the ship starts to capsize and sinks stern first.
It is safe to surface the boat now.

22 Sep 1940
After Midnight

Time to inform the BdU about the recent success.

Hours later, the response.

To my surprise, this is the first air contact on this patrol so far.
Not that I would complain about the lack of British airplanes...
We quickly escape into the Northern Sea.
No bombs dropped.

29 Sep 1940

A few days of rough weather behind us,
we spot a lone tanker and prepare to attack from periscope depth.

"Rohr 1, los!"

Last edited by Nippelspanner; 04-28-15 at 08:15 AM.
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Old 04-28-15, 02:45 AM   #5
Posts: n/a

The torpedo is underway...

And detonates prematurely.

Now he knows that he is being hunted,
no time must be wasted, I fire another one right away...

Out of torpedoes,
we send the patrol results to the BdU who orders us to return to Kiel.

30 Sep 1940
Early Morning

Another successful patrol.
Considering the high rate of duds among the torpedoes,
the lack of a deck gun I am more than pleased so far.
U-115 is a good boat.
So are my men.

Korvettenkapitän Eckermann is pleased with my results and
congratulates me for having a mighty fine crew,
who can already be considered veterans, he says.

On top,
he pins the U-Boot-Kriegsabzeichen onto my uniform which was ordered by the BdU, Dönitz, himself.
It was usual to receive this decoration after two war patrols,
yet I am surprised!

Leaving his office,
I follow my habit of keeping a close eye on the chalk board.
Schultze is still the top ace of the U-Boot-Waffe,
while Rollmann, Liebe and Prien seem to have their own private fight for the second place on this board.

Last edited by Nippelspanner; 04-28-15 at 03:32 AM.
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Old 04-28-15, 03:33 AM   #6
Posts: n/a

Career Summary

Patrol 3
17 Oct 1940

We spend two and a half weeks on land,
went home to see our loved ones or enjoy Kiel in the fall.
Now it is finally time to head back out.
Two commanders of the 1. U-Flottille invited me to the bar,
they head out tomorrow as well - time to celebrate!

To my surprise,
my small coastal boat is ordered into the North Atlantic.
AM35 sounds promising as we might find in or outbound convoys there!

23 Oct 1940
Late Evening

While slowly plowing through the sea north of Ireland,
we spot a merchant steaming along, unaware of our presence.

We get in close, the I.WO already behind the UZO.
Everything is calm, the watch officer does his job as professional as usual
and just when I felt the torpedo leaving the boat...

Gun fire struck the boat!
The merchant did not only spot us, he also opened fire!
I order to dive the boat.

Immediately I hear damage reports from down below.
The stern pressure hull is damaged and we have flooding.

Too late for the British merchant though.
The torpedo destroys the vessel.

4 Nov 1940
Early Morning

As expected, this area is rather crowded with vessels of all kind.
Surface attacks start to become routine.
The I.WO engages.

A clean kill!
The ships back was broken.

Before sinking,
the ships fuel goes up in flames...

We return to course.
Just as we finish breakfast,
the watch crew has good news again.

Broad daylight,
so I rather attack submerged.
This time - no dud.

Engulfed in flames,
the ship slips under the waves forever.

We kept submerged for a few more minutes.
when I wanted to surface the boat...

Damage is being reported!
What the Hell is going on?
We have heavy flooding and the boat starts to sink fast.

The pressure hull in the stern apartment again!
Was the damage not fixed sufficiently?
No time for this now.
The boat continues its way to the bottom of the Atlantic.

The LI provides a more detailed damage report to me.
It looks bad.
The stern pressure hull seems severely damaged,
and the flooding is serious.

I order to blow ballast tanks...

And indeed,
the boat rises!
Ironically, we can hear our late victim sinking,
while we rise for the surface again.

"Man soll den Tag nicht vor dem Abend loben."

(~ Don't count your chickens before they are hatched.)
The flooding is too severe and the pumps can not handle the water.
We are going down again, fast.

My God!
We are sinking like a rock.
A type II-D u-boats test depth is 150m.
We are past this depth, still sinking...

Is this it?

I have to say, this was some of the most amazing things I experienced in AoD so far.
While the game has the most basic graphics and sounds, it somehow does deliver the fear and pressure in those situations very, very well.

Last edited by Nippelspanner; 04-28-15 at 08:16 AM.
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Old 05-09-15, 06:13 PM   #7
Join Date: Jul 2014
Location: Warsaw, Poland
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If you haven't spotted me till now, it means I'm a real submariner ;-)
SH3, GWX 3.0 or NYGM, h.sie/Stiebler hardcoded fixes, patchSH3r, Hitman's GUI, Hide My Sub, Evan82's Uniforms II
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