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Old 06-30-08, 08:32 AM   #124
Sailor man
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Default an other KM wizz-wheel model?

Originally Posted by Hitman
I wish I had the time to do a full update of the wheels, but right now I lack it, to the point I have stopped playing SH3 and SH4. There are many things I have learned on the way, and so many more I learned from you guys who follow passionately these kind of handtools, and I would really really like to be able to put together a new, updated version with a KM style manual.

I have copies of some of the sheets of the original Kriegsmarine manual for that instrument and some additional pictures of the wiz-wheel (See below), and now I also know that only has one side, the main one :hmm: and the other mathematical calculations were done with other slide rulers.

All that knowledge was collected after I did my templates, thus some of the imperfections in the wheel come from that (Others are entirely my own fault).

However, I will try to upload one little fix I had ready before I got too busy with real life, which will allow having the ship silhouettes on the pointer be aligned correctly.

Glad you are all enjoying the wheel anyway.

amigo Hitman

te adjunto enlace a foto de otro modelo de regla de cáculo circular de la KM, recién adquirida. ¿Tal vez pudieras contextualizarla en relación a tus fantásticas piezas? Carezco de manual relacionado. Mil gracias de antemano por tu ayuda. Subiré fotos más en detalle en cuanto saque tiempo

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