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Old 07-18-13, 02:42 PM   #29
Navy Seal
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The Judge I think might be the ideal "gut gun" in other words very close range defense weapon.The judge would be the perfect gun to have inside a vehicle at that range if someone attacked say someone trying to get into your car that .410 buck hits them in a nice group they are no longer a threat maybe not dead but messing with you will be their last concern after that buck hits them.My connection is crap today so I have not seen the clip posted by Ducimus but I bet that they show the judge being used just as I described.

Of course it has a huge draw back you either have .410 or .45ACP and .410 buck would be pretty nasty at very close range but after maybe ten feet coming form such a short barrel the pellets would spread badly making it ineffective.

I'd rather have one of those "baby" Glocks that way you have more rounds and better range.More rounds are always better because under stress you're gonna miss(average combat accuracy for the US Army is 33% and I bet they put more rounds down range than you do) accuracy is always the most important ability mind you but combat shooting is the most difficult first and foremost because you can not simulate the most important factor adrenaline and the psychological effect of both your life actually being in danger and you having to possibly take another life you may find that the instinct of flight is stronger than fight.I can say from talking to my father and other combat vets that the act of killing is not as easy as it may seem.

I think for home defense a shotgun (long rifle) is the best option pistols are the most difficult modern firearm to be highly accurate with with a rifle stock you have all that added stability.Some people say "what if the bad guy uses my wife/daughter/dog as a shield?" but really in a dire situation would you take a shot even with a pistol that if you miss or there is movement you'll miss and hit your beloved possibly fatally? even highly trained military and SWAT folks consider such shots very risky people that fire ten upon thousands of rounds per year food for thought.Also I find that scenario unlikely if someone raids they are gonna go full force and overwhelm every threat every form of possible resistance.Males are considered by most to be most dangerous so a violent criminal is going to try an neutralize any males first.

Last edited by Stealhead; 07-18-13 at 03:27 PM.
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