Thread: [REL] FOTRS Ultimate Project
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Old 11-11-18, 10:18 AM   #6730
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Originally Posted by Front Runner View Post
I've noticed that a few times, after successfully dodging an air attack by emergency (crash)-dive and observing the attacking aircraft in free-camera, the aircraft drops a bomb, then comes around for another pass and crashes into the sea. The aircraft is usually a single engine Zero type, although I'm not quite sure of the type or whether it is the same type every time I've observed this happening.
I have a save game for one of these type events. I saved before the attack started.
Hmmmmm. Any possibility of the plane being shot at from a friendly surface ship?? Or, are there "other" planes in the air that could have collided with the plane you witnessed??

The actions of a plane are somewhat "automatic" when it has a positive, detected enemy in it's sights. Planes are spawned by enemy detection, or by scripted mission creation during the design of the mission. In either way, other factors play an effect that actually make the plane attack (Visual detection; The plane actually has an ordinance on-board to use against the enemy {bomb/rockets/machine gun fire}?; The selected target is a "higher priority" target over another unit that's close by)? Lot's of factors that are WHY a plane does what it does.

However, having a plane just fall into the sea for no reason is surprising.

As I asked about the "other" planes in the area, planes don't seem to have the same "avoidance" capabilities as ship units. We've seen planes flying in formation (and I use that term loosely!!) are like herding a group of cat's......their all over the place and don't have a problem in hitting each other when flying close together! Is this what MAY have happened?

Also, don't forget about the Kamikaze Zero that shows up first of 1945. It will purposefully strike a surfaced target (and miss from time to time) when one is detected:

As I said a bit ago, the planes are "selective" about their targets. A higher "priority" target (like a Carrier) is selected over your sub every time. The sub is in the upper left hand corner of this image:

And, it's a good thing too!!

Another Kamikaze has joined in on the attack!!

Lucky for the sub, not so much for the Carrier.

The HMS Shannon vs. USS Chesapeake outside Boston Harbor June 1, 1813

USS Chesapeake Captain James Lawrence lay mortally wounded...
.."tell the men to fire faster, fight 'till she sinks,..boys don't give up the ship!"
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