Thread: [TEC] Dud torpedo chance mod?
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Old 04-22-15, 11:51 PM   #1
The Old Man
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Default Dud torpedo chance mod?

Got an idea from another thread, wondering what would be a good compromise for dud torpedoes? 10% chance, 5% chance?

Main problem I found with realism in the stock 1.4 game;

These are the specs for the Mark 23, which was designed with the mod 13 contact exploder AFTER the problems with the early versions of the original mark 6 mod 1 were fixed. Yet it has the same failure specs as the earliest mark 14 with the mark 6 mod 1 exploder, and same chance of premature detonation with no magnetic exploder at all.

From what I've read 99% seems a bit excessive anyway, but leaving reality aside for the purpose of gameplay, what would be a good failure percentage? 5% would mean 1 out of 20, 10% 1 out of 10. Mark 10 had an older mark 3 contact exploder so historically had far fewer problems than the untested mark 14, so my thinking would be 5% on the mark 10, 10% on the mark 14 would be reasonable, providing just enough chance of failure to make the game interesting without making it frustrating to the point where the average player gives up in disgust and disables the duds altogether.

For the Mark 14 premature chances are 60% for a 10+ meter high wave, 30% for 5 to 10, and 2% for 0 to 5. My thinking is to cut that back to 20, 10 and 2, which in average conditions would leave the player in a GATO with 18-20 reliable fish out of 24. Sort of reliable, still a 0.5 chance of a circle runner (which should probably be INCREASED at least a little, that's only 1 out of 200 fish) and a 70% chance of 10 foot depth variation which might be better eliminated since we're all aware of it and set the depth shallower anyway.

So fire away, flamewars and death threats welcome, can't guarantee not to toss all countering opinions overboard and just use my own personal preferences, but a little feedback might influence my decisions.
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