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Old 10-24-08, 10:25 PM   #29
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Default Proposal

Been reading many posts between here and the game's forum and I'm noticing something I hadn't thought would be an issue. A lot of people, either involved with a tank sqd. or interested in joining one for this game, have voiced a preffrence for the T34 over the Tiger.

I wonder if we should set things up for both sides. Have a sqd. for each. It will enable Tanksim sqd to broaden its involvment in the team matches that I'm sure are going to arise. (I hope they do anyway, on the order of IL2 and CFS). Most of the matches will probably be with realistic settings, meaning not death matches but of a historical nature. If there's a dearth of German sqds to go up against then we'll be able to (excuse this Fruedien slip) play with ourselves.

I will now don my, EHEM, CO's cap. There, firmly in place. By a show of hands what is the concensus on the basic structure of this group? Some sqds I've been in like to be loose some like to be rigid, some like the tempid clime of the inbetween. How about command structure, how far do we want to go? IMHO, if we are going to do anything other than death matches then a couple of people calling the shots gives us a better chance of winning then if everyone does their own thing. For cooperation sake, you understand. If we can get 8 tanks on a map then we can break it down to two teams of four for flexibility. That would be two sqd leaders, one of which would be the plt. commander in overall command of the unit as a whole. Within those two sqds we can break it down further to two pairs (like wingmen) for more flexibility. Anyone who would like to give his tactical skills a try can have a turn at each position. Someone like myself who likes to take orders can opt out. (Can't be blamed for loosing the battle that way.)

OK CO hat off let me have it.
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