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Old 05-30-13, 05:26 PM   #6
Navy Seal
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I do not have a single favorite but I can list the movies that I own which means that I deem them worthy of viewing more than once.
I might watch some Star Wars this weekend.

Every state has a meth problem Red.Florida's export is in fact prescription drugs it is a "pill mill" state folks drive from as far away as Kentucky.The state passed a "pill mill" law but that simply banned
a doctors office from also despising.So what they do now is get their "script" form a doc who knows that nothing is wrong with them besides being hooked on pain killers and then they send them to an of site pharmacy.Florida has had a huge spike in applications to open new pharmacies since the pill mill law was passed.I recall when this law was going to be passed because you would hear everyone talking about it half with a sense of happiness the other half with trepidation because they feared their "fix" would be harder to acquire.

Alien 3(the directors cut makes this one much better)
Apocalypse Now
most of the original Godzilla films
Das Boot(in German)
Seven Samurai
The Man with No Name Trilogy(A Fistfull of Dollars, For a Few Dollars More, The Good The Bad and The Ugly)
Star Wars(from I all the way to VI)
Run Lola Run(Lola Reent in German)
All Quiet on the Western Front (1930 version)
Mad Max
The Road Warrior(aka Mad Max II)
Come and See(in Russian subtitled)
The Dawns Here are Quiet (in Russian subtitled)
9th Company(in Russian subtitled)
Letters From Iwo Jima
City of Live and Death(Chinese subtitled)
A Clock Work Orange
Dr. Strangelove
Full Metal Jacket
Most every Mel Brooks movie but Blazing Saddles and Young Frankenstein are the best
Every Monty Python movie
Time Bandits
Raising Arizona
The Big Lewbowski

Last edited by Stealhead; 05-30-13 at 05:42 PM.
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