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Old 01-21-21, 01:01 PM   #30
Ace of the Deep
Join Date: Feb 2006
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It's because the FSD is shut off. Check the power priorities below. Click the FSD to turn it back on, save and post link.

Nice jump range but I suspect you're too far over the power limit to cover it with module priorities? Maybe a different power plant, different PP engineering, or lower power draw somewhere else would need to be done.

Personally I only use A rated power plants because they are the best for heat. And I use the smallest one I can get away with. Most of my builds have a PP that is A-rated and one class lower than the slot calls for. Usually a little overcharged or armored engineering. Power Plant always gets done last. I theory-craft the ship, then install whichever PP I need to cover the power costs.

I only use A-rated dirty drive thrusters because speed is life.

I don't recommend additional fuel tanks but blaze your own.

Swap E-rated life support for D

Pulse wave only needed for core mining or sub surface

Class 3 scoop is mighty slow

I'm active on the FDev boards and post a lot in the ship subforum. One thing I try to be aware of is my tendency to try and change other commander's ships in to my own. But I'm a big believer in the 'blaze your own' mantra so I hesitate to be too critical, since my thing ain't necessarily your thing.

I should add that I have very specific requirements for ships to be part of my fleet, and any ships that fail to measure up are sold. My ships must jump at least 30 light years and boost at least 500 m/s. So my builds are always done with a eye towards hitting these figures. I like them light, fast and able to jump far. I don't mind compromises in other areas to make my ships as fast as possible while still able to perform the intended role. I am also a big proponent of having dedicated builds, and not trying to turn one ship in to a jack of all trades. For example I have a core miner Krait, a rumble bus Krait and a combat Krait. Just swap ships and go, no module swapping needed. Of course as a new player funds are limited and you can't splash the cash on a big fleet at this point.
What? Behind the rabbit?

Last edited by Threadfin; 02-15-21 at 01:21 PM.
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