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Old 09-01-07, 08:20 AM   #32
Join Date: Feb 2006
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I downloaded the English version from StrategyFirst. I have played through the Tutorial Missions (about 8), and the first few missions of the Campaign Game.


1) I've had absolutely no graphics issues. The game has played perfectly for me "out of the box."
2) The interface takes some getting used to, is clunky, but is functional. The line-drawing function on the strategic map doesn't seem to work, so I am unable to plot the target courses. Also, the use of the mouse is generally limited to clicking on various functions, and firing the MG. You can't scroll on the strategic map with the mouse - you have to click on 2 different function keys to "center on pick" or "center on boat." You also have to use the number pad to rotate your views with the binoculars and periscope - no mouse function.
3) There is no save function, at all. As a result, there is no way to save in the middle of a mission. This really isn't that big of a deal, since you only have 6 torpedoes, and limited range.
4) There is no crew (except for the one lookout seen in the screenshot above). This means no crew management. It's just you, and your boat. There aren't even any crew voices. Personally, I would like to have seen some sort of crew management system.
5) The torpedo firing system is very rudimentary. There is no "manual" firing of torpedoes - no crosshairs or stadia in either the binoculars or periscope. You rotate until you see your target, press "L" for "Lock," and fire. That's it. It's generally "one shot, one kill." Merchants take one torpedo, and two for warships, to sink. Also, there is no mechanism to reflect the early-war "restricted" sub warfare, and it seems to me that the sub can be spotted way too easily.
6) The MG and gun firing procedures are also very rudimentary. There is no target reticule. You have to just guess at elevation and range, but, as a result, the system is very forgiving. This is the main item I would like to see changed.

The graphics are very good, and definately have an early 20th century "feel." This isn't a bad game, and with some patches, modding, and tweaking, could be an exceptional product. I can definately recommend this game, especially at the reasonable price being charged. This game is well worth the price.

\"Ein U-boot ohne Sehrohr ist heute angekomman - A U-Boat without a periscope arrived today.\" - Message sent to Gunther Prien in U-47 during the Norwegian Campaign by Karl Doenitz to tell Prien about the birth of his second daughter...
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