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Old 12-02-23, 11:14 AM   #61
Molon Labe
Silent Hunter
Join Date: Jun 2004
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2 April 1942

Western Australian Coast
My little hunter-killer group found another ASW ship to try to kill, the HMS Isis...but after a few skirmishes, neither side was able to hit each other. After breaking off, we found a pair of AKLs and sank them. That's going to do it for these guys, ordered to RTB.

I also have a similar SAG operating near Baker Island (3 CL, 1 DD). They were investigating contacts around Baker that began with a SIGINT hit a few days ago. We found an American AVD and engaged it unsuccessfully. It turned out this enemy activity had some surface cover... USS Nashville (light cruiser) and USS Monssen (destroyer) moved in immediately to retaliate. We traded a few hits in the night battle, but overall it was inconclusive except for Monssen being damaged badly enough to retire. Even though this is 3 CLs vs. 1, American CLs are just so much better (and I'm low enough on ammo) that I'd rather pack it in. This group also ordered to RTB.

Bay of Bengal
Pretty quiet here after some major activity in prior days. I'd allowed one of my CVE-based Kate squadrons to go back to naval attack orders out of concerns that there could be a powerful enemy SAG based in to the north in Madras. I'd previously made contact with some cruisers there, and if such a group did exist it might explain why the Formidable and Resolution moved south of my forces. Unlike Admiral Halsey in Leyte Gulf, though, I left strong forces guarding my invasion forces, those Kates being a small portion of that. Anyway, I neglected to range-restrict them, so we got some contacts near Cochin and Trivandium on the mainland, and a few small strikes went to hit them...nowhere near enough to deal with the Hurricanes on CAP up there. So that cost me 4 Zeroes and 3 Kates with no victories. Ooops.

We've captured Dambulla with 3 tank regiments. The only resistance there were the former Trincomalee garrison. No losses, 111 enemy devices destroyed. My tanks will now turn north to capture the only base on my right flank, while the infantry and artillery proceed towards Colombo.

I've captured Merak (the furthest western base). We had no squads destroyed; we destroyed 985 of the enemy's. This is the last base on Java's main island held by the enemy; only one pocket of enemy troops remains--and they're beginning to surrender (164 squads today). There is a minefield here blocking access to the Indian Ocean--a minesweeper is on its way.
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