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Old 12-22-20, 08:28 PM   #87
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Must correct my first condemning impression, apparently the update went wrong somehow, despite downloading for 4 or 5 hours on a fast cable connection. I had switched off the system meanwhile, ate, and then went back to it, cold start, it downloaded again something for FS2020, I think it was no quick hotfix, but I am not certain. Since then, things go better here, and I meanwhile found the way to get rid of that irritating black square frame as well (toggle off FOV stencil in Occulus tool).

Working frames over Berlin in small airplanes, actually I am surprised how smooth it works. But the instruments are unreadable, an airliner or IFR plan i do not want to fly this way, it is of little use, cannot really be handled well. For VFR, I now think it actualyl works very good, and with newer headsets and higher resolution it may be even better. But it remains to be a toy thing for pure VFR in small planes. Take it as that and have fun. Expect more, and you will be disappointed.

I would have wished for some way of mini-windows overlay over instruments that gives a readable readout of values and data. Glass cockpit screens also are almost unusable in a Occulus Rift sicn ethey scale text anbd readouts realistically, and the resolution of the headset, Occulus Rift, does not do justice to that.

Positive is that you do not need VR hand controllers, I know how it worked in XPlane and I hated it, and while it works wonders in VTOL, the whole game is tailored to be more forgiving. VTOL works well with Vr sticks, but in FS20, having hardware HOTAS I prefer.

Since FS20 focusses on VFR over IFR, VR for it is a real enrichment. Its stunning, when it works. The agme allows different graphcis setups for 2D and VR.
If you feel nuts, consult an expert.
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