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Old 04-22-19, 07:26 PM   #19
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Originally Posted by Captain_AJ View Post
Happy are those who would say.. this is not my cup of tea. However, I would disagree that this is an Arcade game for novices. and the coop crews so far as I have seen and played with do take sub siming as passionately as you seem to mention that you are. I believe that a coop of crews that are hardcore simmers been meeting on a regular basis and are becoming team members, working a simulated u-boat and a common goal.. MESSY ARE THOSE GAMES THAT DO PLAY WITHOUT ANY HISTORICAL BACKROUND.-- We all have opinions, But no one is stupid enough , at least the ones I have been playing wolfpack with are not the sheepherders --- IT is a crew based on real-time, that depends on other crew members to resolve an outcome-- of hunting a convoy, using historical information, and applying it and sinking SHIPS -- EVEN THIS IS PRACTISED IN REAL LIFE -- Open your eyes and try to reduce your pride -- Glad that you have an option-- everyone does, remember to respect those who enjoy and have developed a simulation that can bring people working as a team , with the same interest,,
When you are awake when your half of the planet is asleep and asleep when it is awake, it tends to be rather difficult to play a multiplayer game. Nobody wants to spend $60 on a game, and only be able to play it when other people want too.

I seem to remember how upset people were with Silent Hunter 5 with it's "always online" DRM. This isn't even Copy Protection, you need internet and other people just to play the game. I don't understand how that suddenly became "ok".

Essentially it seems like all this game has to offer is "You get to play with people in your boat with you", which sounds as much fun to me as "Mr. Slyguy3129, you have stage 4 cancer. You have hours to live."

I keep noticing no-one addressing the Single Play Campaign covering the whole war. Is it because this game is intended to be mission based. Quick 15 minute games (E-Sport standard) where you spawn in and the convoy is right there. Since the game has no TC from the sounds of it, the convoys can't be too far off. No searching for Convoys. No patrolling. Just spawn in, shoot torpedoes repeat. If I wanted that, I could just load up Silent Service 1 on the Nintendo Entertainment System. Which I do still play.
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