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Old 06-16-10, 01:27 PM   #8
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Originally Posted by Sunburn View Post
Instances such the one you describe are fairly common in legacy wargames due to a combination of factors, such as:
* Absence of realistic kinematics (e.g. you shoot your BVR missile at me, I turn on a dime, insta-accelerate and insta-drop to the deck = I evade a missile I wouldn't be able to in RL)
* Absence of realistic sensor & weapon characteristics & limitations (e.g. I'm an F-111 going supersonic down in the weeds and a MiG-21 can detect and shoot me as easily as if I was a B-52 in the clear blue sky.... yeah right)
* Absence of common-sense AI in fighting priorities (note to F-14 jocks: When out of long-range AAMs, don't wait until you're out of Sidewinders and gun bullets, *head the hell back home*!)
* Simplified modelling of fixed & expendable countermeasures
* Ridiculously simplified air operations (any airbase can launch/recover dozens of aircraft in one go, and you cannot paralyze it by hitting its taxiways or parking spaces as in RL)

All of the above factors, and more, have been rectified in Red Pill and air confrontations are significantly more sophisticated and believable as a result. The little guy still has a chance, but this time not by ignoring the laws of physics.
Sounds great. Too bad it doesn't sound like training will have an effect on combat, but your aerial combat system might very well make up for that.

Semi-related, do you model doctrines? Like some countries rely on ground control intercepts to direct aircraft, others are a little more flexible. Or the AI uses smaller missile boats inshore, where they might be harder to detect, instead of steaming them out into the open ocean.

Yes, and loadouts are more flexible now. You can, for example, load an aircraft with a strike loadout even if it's missing a Sidewinder or a fuel tank.
Awesome, and with a very cool bonus for flexibility.

Please elaborate.
Sorry - WX = weather, MX = maintenance. I was curious to know if/how weather affected gameplay (would an SS-N-22 be effective if the targets were steaming in a heavy sea state?) and if maintenance issues would affect platforms (i.e. one of your E-2s is getting an engine replacement and is not available for tasking, or a CIWS on a ship is broken and inoperable)
There will almost certainly be a public beta.
Very cool!

These are still TBD items.
I'm crossing my fingers for editable/expandable databases more than anything. I'd like to tinker with an LCS, for example, and see if they can be made useful. Just for my own amusement, I suppose.

I'm curious to know how ground combat might work. I realize it'll be abstracted at best, but can we launch LCACs from our Gators and land Marines with them? Use helicopters to transport SEAL teams?

Will maritime interdiction ops/ship boardings be modeled at all? I'm specifically thinking of Somali pirates boarding ships and the various navies boarding/inspecting Somali pirate ships. Might be interesting if you've got two RHIBs closing in on a dhow and shots are fired...
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