Thread: [REL] Playable Russian Subs
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Old 10-26-17, 11:12 PM   #490
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Originally Posted by LogicalLobster View Post
I know I can change it and im not trying to argue with you, or get you to change your mod.. I just really want to understand your reasoning.

Why not make subs reflect their actual noise level, at least in relation to eachother? Why can a nuke sub be 104, and a aip sub be at best 130, when in reality the aip boats are quieter? Having Aip subs be way louder than a ton of nukes just makes the entire thing arbitrary and not based on reality at all.
The reasoning behind it is because the game was never intended to have modern, quiet diesels. It's a Cold War era game featuring older, louder diesels and newer, quieter nukes.

Because of the way sound is modeled in the game, we either have to stick to the nukes being quieter than the diesels, which is how the game is supposed to work, or basically ever modern diesel would be as quiet as the Virginia class, meaning that there's no skill involved in gameplay, it's pure luck as to who detects who first.

Numbers in the mod were based off of the devs original numbers for vanilla subs, and we expanded from there. If we changed the numbers to ultra realistic, then modern diesels would be completely undetectable, because it is well known most of them are completely silent at under 5 knots while running on batteries.

The only thing we could do is lower the noise levels of diesels but increase the sonar suites of the nukes so much that they'd be cheats, because very few people are going to accept that a Kilo can defeat a Virginia in conventional warfare. Since snorkeling and battery levels are not yet modeled in the game, there's no way to make diesels work as they should. To match realism, either they have to be silent, or they have to be modeled as if they're running fast enough to actually be detectable.

Basically, we've done the best we could with what we have to work with, and we're going to stick with the original vanilla game premise that modern nukes are quieter than modern diesels, even if this isn't quite 100% realistic. It's a balance between realism and gameplay, and in terms of modding, gameplay will always win, at least in my mods. If all of the subs are as quiet as the Virginia, what's the point of having nearly 100 subs? You'd end up with identical stats with nothing but different looking models. It would get quite boring quite quickly.

New Playable Subs & More - A Mod For Cold Waters

"We'll settle this the old Navy way... the first guy to die loses!"
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