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Old 02-01-22, 09:04 AM   #493
Molon Labe
Silent Hunter
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24 November 1942
Cruiser torpedoed off Babar, but troop levels starting to even up

Burma and Thailand
Enemy battleships and cruisers bombarded Moulmein, causing moderate troop casualties. This is becoming concerning as it takes supply to re-activate disabled squads and devices, and the supply situation is bad. The rearmost group has 80+ miles to go before our planned time to pull out. 3 Oscars and a Hurricane went down over Raheng; 1 Zero and 2 B-24s over Rangoon (4 aircraft destroyed on the ground).

The enemy troops moving north have moved into an area of open terrain, the last hex before they arrive at the first of my bases in the region. We should have a few turns to cause absolutely massive casualties on them here.

The tanks pursuing our retreating Rangoon forces caused another 1100 casualties.

Banda Sea
Betty raids opposed our reinforcing of Babar, resulting in losses of 1 P-40 on our side, with 3 Oscars, 9 Zeroes, and 7 Betties shot down. But once again, the enemy fighters succeeded in keeping most of ours away from their bombers until they arrived on target. All the Betty losses occurred in the 2nd wave, which arrived unescorted, possibly due to heavy enemy fighter losses in the first wave. Enemy accuracy was poor overall (22 total dropping torpedoes, 18 dropping bombs) but they got a torpedo hit on HMNZS Achilles. She'll survive, but I'm having her withdraw along with some cargo ships that have already unloaded.

The enemy troops on the island attempted a shock attack, which completely collapsed due to the severe disruption caused by constant air and naval bombardment. Casualties 785 to 8. Even though the enemy force is nominally 2x 1/3 division fragments (should I just call them regiments?), their numerical strength is down to about 4,000 troops (same as mine) and their assault strength is only equivalent to about .2 of a division (also about equal to mine).

The Heinan Island operation is about to come to its conclusion, but it doesn't look like it's going to yield much. The special forces unit is close enough to the enemy port to have been noticed, so I hit the port with B-24s and Wellingtons, hoping to disable a few ships to prevent their escape--but the port appears to have been empty. One B-24 was shot down by flak. The bombers gave us some recon and it appears that, as expected, the only ground units present are a base force and possibly some small support units.

2 Infantry regiments arrived in Sydney today. 2 USMC regiments with construction engineers and a CVE arrive tomorrow. And more after that.

Last edited by Molon Labe; 02-01-22 at 09:17 AM.
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