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Old 03-13-20, 12:43 AM   #3
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Originally Posted by propbeanie View Post
I don't do them... The game does not penalize you for not doing missions. You only miss out on the renown award for completing a mission. The only issue you will encounter by not doing the mission, is that you will not be allowed to do a Status Update and get a new primary objective assignment, so make your own. They want you to raid Osaka? Then patrol off of Kii Suido and sink everything that comes by, moving some miles away immediately after each sinking, so that you don't attract too much attention to any one spot. Lather rinse repeat ad infinitum ad nauseum. When you are out of torpedoes, head home, and hope that you don't get another similar assignment. You will get renown for every ship sunk, and they generally bring in more renown that a mission objective, which might get you 300 points tops.

Another thing you could do, is figure out where you were when you were spotted previously. Draw yourself some circles of that radius, which is generally like 9200-9500 yards. (You get three guesses why those figures stick in my mind, and the first two don't count.) Drag those circles around to the points coming in toward Osaka, and the Island in there etc., and when you are getting close to the limit, submerge until you are on the other side of the circle area. Surface, catch some fresh air, and re-charge the batteries. Another thing to keep in mind, is that the CO2 meter is whacked, and comes on too soon. You do have enough air in the boat to stay down for the daylight hours. Just don't go over Ahead 1/3. It's actually quieter if you use the knot gauge and don't go much over 1 knot, which should keep you below 50 rpm, and relatively quiet also. Stay away from patrols... easier said than done, of course... Expect it to take you a day in, and a day out at a minimum, and most likely more. Just to let you know, no US sub took pictures like that. Most of the picture taking they did was of beaches, like around Palau, and that would take them a week or more to do usually...

Thanks. I've been working my way through the Silent Service series, n it seems pretty clear that if anyone was given a mission like this for real it'd
pretty much be a one way trip. I'll try your method, and if it doesn't work, scrap the mission. On default game, no mods, I snuck into Tokyo harbour once and sank a mess of ships, but Trigger Maru makes things much more interesting.

Thanks again


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