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Old 05-28-22, 05:48 AM   #4258
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Originally Posted by mapuc View Post
This made me recall what they once said in the news here. Biden has some advisor who will guide him in when he could do, without crossing the line. So maybe it could be why they are mindful of the request.

It's important for USA to give all the help to Ukraine without crossing the red line.

Red line? What should that be? Fro the moment you give a pistol to the one side in a war, you have overstepped the red line between being neutral and being a party in that war: you have chosen your side.

If the Russians want to turn even nastier, they will always turn just evertyhing into a fake augment of that they have been provoked and that the toher overstepped a red line. All this tlakign about red lines is completely pointless and useless.

We have just two outcomes to chose from: either we want Ukraine victoriously defending its integrity and sovereignty (and obviously big nations in Europe like Germany and France do not want that), or we want the Ukraine to become an appendix of Russia and a fair chance of war against Russia in the forseeable future when it goes again after some foreign territories west of it.

Many people in Germany are so very anti-American that they prefer becoming Russian vasalls to being allied with America. You see a merciless stubborness to glorify Russia in the Eastgerman federal states, due to the life-long indoctrination during the GDR, but in the Bundestag also amongst the AfD, the SED, and significant parts of the SPD.

France wants business as usual again with Russia, and wants no big nation associated with Europe that potneitally could beocme a rival for one'S own ambitions. France needs Russian nculear fuel. Russia's Rosatom agency so far has been saved from any sanctions, AFAIK.

The Ukraine may quietly fall to the wayside.
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