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Old 05-12-10, 09:42 PM   #1407
Join Date: Jul 2007
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Sept 10, 1939

LEUTNANT Z. S.: Kurt Giesse

Finished shakedown and assigned to Kiel transferred from Königsberg.

Crew was excited to get to sea as the Luftwaffe have been pounding targets none stop. Our Panzers have not quite secured the land bridge to Danzig so our 1st stop is Gotenhafen hoping to snag a few stragglers in all the confusion before they sail away to enemy ports.

21:00 We arrive to a deserted port with everything that isn't nailed down (and a few supplies that were) managed to sprout legs and leave before we arrived. Not to be deterred we set course for the adjacent port of Hela.

21:30 Skies slightly overcast we can make out the outline of ships harbored in port. At 5 klicks out set speed to 10 knots decks awash and have the deck crew load the 1st round. We can clearly see the well lit colours of the neutral ships of a Norwegian freighter, Lithuanian tramp steamer, medium cargo and tanker (dammit!) and a Yankee Freighter.

Moored side by side are two Polish V&W class destroyers and nestled in docks are also two Polish Tramp steamers. I set my course to seam broadside to the destroyers like we expected to be there with the intent to get 2 broadside eels from the Bow tubes while the aft takes out one of the Tramps.

At 2 Klicks out I order P depth and set to all ahead one third. At 1500 meters my sonar man starts telling me we are being pinged! CRAP! I was hoping this was going to be easy. I pop up the observation scope to look up at the surface without breaking the surface of the water... sure enough there is the milky white outline of searchlights scanning in our direction but not exactly. Odd I thought, they must of seen us just before we dove perhaps? Undeterred I order all stop and bring the scope to the surface. Sure enough the destroyers are lit up like a Christmas tree but not moving... I zoom in and see movement of the crew on deck and what looks to be mechanics scurring about. Perhaps that's why they are still here, they can't move! I drop scope and order ahead one third. The constant pining in stereo by the two V&W's is maddening but they make no move from port. Do they not have the crew or they don't have the orders? Perhaps they are just luring me in?

500 meters and they start firing intermittently at the water, like fish in a barrel and we are the fish. The crew firing must be too green or too nervous because they scatter shot everywhere, a few rounds strike home on the conning tower... so much for the new paint job. Nothing a few wackes of the hammer won't fix thou.

350 meters. We start to turn to face the broadside of the destroyers and set to ahead slow. Feels like an eternity as the pinging only gets louder and louder and it's so bright underwater with the floodlights and the rounds from the destroyers violently tearing into the water in and around my boat. At this range I forget to set the eels and order the door open to the #1 tube. I just want that pinging to stop! What if they fire up the engines? I take one more look through the attack scope this time to get the shot lined up. I want to use the boat as the gyro and make sure they are dead set in front of me.

Fire 1!

Whoosh! I drop the scope, more rounds splash around my scope and ping against my hull. They can't miss me now, but neither can I miss them.

Tick... tock.

I cross my fingers and hope it doesn't dud them KABLAM! It strikes home! I check for damage, she broke her back clean in two!!! I give her a three count and fire #2! It's a gamble, it might hit the hull of the sinking hull but she was split wide and fore and aft are jutting high. The next torp hits home and this VW was packed with powder and blows sky high. Less then a minute she is below the shallow waters to a cresendo of secondary explosions.

Down scope! Surface the boat! Open tube 5!

I hope smartly to the bridge and as soon as I do the two tramp steamers snap on their lights.


WHAM! Another hit!?!? And all magnetic triggers at that! I can't believe my luck. Not a single dud! I order the deck crew to man the gun and put to use that round I chambered. The tramp was already on fire and just two more rounds set her already lit cargo to explode!

The last Tramp is too hard to get a shot at between peirs so I bring my boat along side and let my crew go nuts on her with the deck gun while I man the Flack to take out the glaring lights. Dam Tramp was made to last, must of taken nearly 40 shells to sink her! Was almost impossible to hit the waterline on her but she went after she was paid sufficient attention. We look longingly at the neutral tanker but head to sea... next time perhaps.

Now off to the coast of Ireland and some high seas targets!
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