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Old 05-04-06, 09:14 AM   #14
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here is a simple test scenario where I tried to built some "realistic" opérations on the carrier deck =>
how to use it =>
use show truth and time X16, select the carrier in 3D and look at it : first you will see the viking taking off, then 2 FA18.
Use show history for each platforms : you will see they will all stay in the defined patrol areas.

I used "aircraft with launch time", then I could give a specific pattern to each planes.
When the plane will take off, even if the carrier is far away from the starting position, the aircrafts will go exactly at their patrol waypoints.

So, using aircraft with launch time make you able to define realistic patrol area, previously defined.
this is quite usefull and makes everything quite real.

This way, you could define patrols for each group, let them take off and landing at a specific time and use "rolling patrols", taking off and landing on the carrier (about landing : I didn't tested it .... in the badest case, you could destroy them after their patrol if it doesn't work)

Unfortunatly, whatever I tried (and I tried a lot of different parameters), this is impossible to make the E2 taking off the deck of a carrier, he will always dive into the sea just after the take off
A specific bug for the E2 as stated above ...

But you could see you can have something close to real operations on this test.
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