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Old 09-28-22, 06:51 AM   #1653
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The German "Energiewende" (ewnergy transformation) was a still birth drom all beginning on. Now the cadaver already stinks from rotting, but they still refuse to finally bury it, and so the cadaveric poison started to poison the ground around and make it unusable as well in the future.

Renewable energies are becoming the only cheap source of electricity. For some companies, this is the last chance to cover their costs. A Hamburg steel mill, for example, now only starts its furnaces according to the weather forecast. Wind has become an uncontrollable economic factor.

It wasn't long ago that professional weather forecasts were something for sailors and farmers. One look at the app and the fisherman headed for the sheltering harbor, the farmer watched to make sure he got his hay in the dry. In other industries, it didn't matter. That has changed. With the energy transition, weather data became a key planning variable in the energy industry. And now, gas shortages and skyrocketing energy prices mean that even for companies with large electricity requirements, wind and sun are suddenly having a decisive influence on operational cost accounting.

Can this really work in a high tech environment like the German industry claims to be? I see no chance for that. In fact what I see is that cascade effects have already started to work their way through the whole eocnomic netqwork, on all levels. What I see is that all what has held it alltogether, now has become so loose and untight that the whole has started to fall apart. They deny it, they ignore it, they try to gloss over it, but for me the signs are clear. Its a cascade of effects that reaches from one subordinate level to the next higher one, and on every new level the cataclysmic effects reinforce themselves over-proportionally. To me the perception of it is as clear and obvious like differentiant between a red and a green traffic light.

The minister for wonder, magic and supertalk Robert Habeck now finally had to accept to leave the two Bavarian nuclear powerplants on the grid - but sitll limting their lifeitme until end of March. The thir durnning reactor in the Emsöland he still wa nts to switch off. No new fuels beign ordered. Three more reacvtors that could be reatcivated, still no word on these. The greens still put their ideolgiocakl worldwview "nuke is evil" before the needs of the people and the necessities of this nations eocnomic fundament. They claim that "every Watt saved counts",, but they waste GWh ewn masse this way, and they od not accept the link betwene hiogh prices of electrocty and the short supply of it, that supply and price do interacxt. They just do not get it, these retards.

At the last elections, 60 million were elegible to vote, the total population now is 84 million (justz newly counted, due to the huge migration influx). The Greens got 14,8% of the vote that saw a participation of 76%. Doing some math means that around 6.6 million people of 84 million gave them their vote, that makes them a minority of less than 10% of the total population. Of these, many - especially younger - followers have changed their stand on nuclear power and see the need to leave the reactors on, maybe even stay with nuclear energy, at the last count, there was almost a 45-50% parity between those Green voters objecitng to and accepting nuclear power. So lets halve the group here, which means they are a tiny minority of around 3-4 million Green people only who enforce economic disaster and anti-nuclear policy on a huge and overwhelming majority . Inside the Greens, it is interesting to see who is for and against it. Its a generation thing. The old ideolgical hardliners from the 80s are strictly against it, the young ones are way more pragmatic and see the needs realistically, less ideologically.

FOCUS writes on wonderboy Habeck (and mind you, I have said from all beginning on that Habeck is nothing more than a rhetorically gifted but factually incompetent and ideologically hardlining "Blender": a phony and imposter):
As recently as August, Robert Habeck was the superstar of German politics. But that has since thoroughly changed. 6 reasons that explain the Economics Minister's fall from grace, which he brought on himself.

"Some of the hut is already on fire," says Robert Habeck. He means the German economy. But he could justifiably say the same about the ministry he leads.

Since he took office, the former home of German regulatory policy - which produced great personalities such as Ludwig Erhard, Karl Schiller, Otto Graf Lambsdorff, Hans Friderichs and Wolfgang Clement - has mainly been producing glittering verbal tinsel, contradictions by the dozen and, as its latest premium product, obvious nonsense. In this highest product category, Robert Habeck currently has quite a bit to offer:

Habeck's idea of a gas levy was confused and arbitrary

Nonsense 1: His idea of a gas levy was confused and arbitrary from the beginning. Why, in times of inflation and energy price explosion, the state should act as a spender of energy and thus as an inflation driver, Habeck could not explain conclusively.

The social injustice that only gas customers should bear the risks of the energy war between Germany and Russia cried out to heaven. Especially since these 21 million gas customers are not responsible for the misery and have no alternative strategy for escaping their gas supplier.

The polluter pays principle was upside down, which is why Habeck now had to take the back seat. The chancellor, the finance minister and, most recently, his party friends have made it clear to him: That levy, for which the minister was still freaking out in the Bundestag the other day, has to go.

Habeck's enegier trips to Qatar and Canada were for the cat

Nonsense 2:
With their heroic trips to Qatar, Canada and Saudi Arabia, Economics Minister and Chancellor Habeck suggest that the state is now closing the energy gap with an iron hand that the energy industry cannot close. The truth is: The videos that Habeck sent from there ("I launched a new energy partnership in Qatar") look like a contribution to Jan Böhmermann's ZDF-Magazin Royale.

This is because Habeck's successes are hardly measurable. In 2020, the Federal Republic imported about 56 billion cubic meters of natural gas from Russia. The 137,000 cubic meters of LNG imported from Qatar correspond to about 82 million cubic meters of gaseous natural gas. That's about 0.2 percent of Russia's previous annual supply via pipelines - in other words, a joke. Meanwhile, in Canada, Prime Minister Justin Trudeau stressed that his country would play no role in the supply of liquefied natural gas in the short term.

This means that the trips by Scholz and Habeck have brought nothing except new CO2 emissions from the government's engines for the coming winter.

Conclusion: If one could heat with hot air from the power plant of party politics, it would be cozy warm in the coming winter.

Habeck lacks a compass for debt and inflation

Nonsense 3:
The minister demands further subsidies almost daily, which he wants the finance minister to pay for with new debts. Apparently, the minister has no compass for the connection between debt policy, money overhang and inflation; he demands things that will be paid for in the present with currency devaluation and loss of prosperity and by the next generation with the limitation of its possibilities.

The Federal Audit Office is already talking about a "fossilized budget" because there is hardly anything left for future investments. Intergenerational justice, rightly called for by the Greens in their election program, is first ignored and then sabotaged by Habeck. This is no way to serve his young voters.

Minister on the outside, Robin Hood on the inside: How Habeck denounces higher earners

Nonsense 4
: The minister actively fought the relief of the middle class through the elimination of cold progression and denounced this project as a discreet enrichment program of high earners. He said, "I do not see how we can represent in this situation that those who need less support are absolutely relieved more. "

He was of the opinion that "Rich households and people with lower incomes pay the same high energy prices. The only thing is that rich people can take it. "

The truth is: no one would be better off by shifting the tax rate; only the negative effects of inflation on income taxpayers would be muted. The reform was not neoliberal, but overdue.

The bottom line: for the first time in history, there is a minister of the economy at work here who does not love and caress his core target group, but reaches into its wallet. Outside: Minister. Inside: Robin Hood.

How SPD and FDP had to get Habeck on track with nuclear policy

Nonsense 5: Nuclear policy. With his about-face yesterday - as things stand, the Isar 2 and Neckarwestheim 2 nuclear power plants will have to run beyond the end of the year - Habeck admitted that he had fooled German citizens for weeks with false statements like "we have a gas problem, but no electricity problem." Only political pressure from the SPD and FDP made him relent. What was impossible yesterday is now suddenly "necessary," he said. From the beginning, his attempt - first the party, then the country - was a cautionary tale for a party that demands: follow the science on the climate issue.

Habeck complains about conditions that he himself has brought about

Nonsense 6:
When Habeck now complains about the weak capital cushion of the German economy, he is lamenting conditions that he himself helped to bring about. The energy price explosion was the igniter for the drop in profits in Germany's small and medium-sized businesses, but the Greens brought the match beforehand with ever new bureaucratic requirements.

The profitability of German companies is historically low. The burden of bureaucracy is historically high. Robert Habeck is not solely responsible for this, but he and his political friends are a major driver of this bureaucratic mill and grind movement that threatens to pulverize the middle class. In a recession, it will push those already weakened over the cliff first.

Conclusion: Robert Habeck no longer needs media disenchantment. He is disenchanting himself. Even his journalistic foot soldiers are already showing signs of fatigue. The Robert Habeck fan club is about to disband. Alan Posener penned the requiem for a superstar retiree in Die Zeit:

"So far, none of the traffic light parties is making a bella figura. Least of all the man who would be most likely to jump over his own shadow, Robert Habeck. Too bad. "


Habeck originally is an author of children books - not without even ideolgically charging up the smallest of the young ones with Green gender and sexualization ideology in his books. Why do the masses always fall for the lousiest impostors? To look at the election results and what kind of people get spilled to the top of the power herarchy time and again is the best argument against generla elections, I sometimes think. It seems our political system makes sure we get governed always by the worst of the worst. My trust for it is excatly 0.000, since many, many, many years.
If you feel nuts, consult an expert.
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