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Old 08-10-13, 02:21 PM   #30
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Hi all,

this seems to be a great mod in development. Looking forward for some enhancements in the campaign. Regarding history there are for sure users here to enlighten us with detailed information - far more then i can do. To my knowledge the combination of several submarines in order to attack a convoy was a pretty rare situation in the early war. Simply not enough submarines in the atlantic. A figure was like 1/3 was on patrol, 1/3 on return to base and the other 1/3 was in harbour for repairs. And the atlantic ocean is a quiet big area.

If things were lucky and some submarines could be gathered near a convoy, they tried to attack in the night which was usually the best time especially they didnt have to be submerged. A big mess was also the fact that german marine code got decrypted and convoys could change routes to avoid a german wolfsrudel. History reported only few lucky cases where a big convoy got really slaughtered and not always it was due to submarines. Usually it was starting one attack run, sinking a ship or two at best and get away alive - that was already a great success for a submarine. Trying to attack on a second run on another day/night was also not very common due to air surveillance, warned or enhanced escort power, lack of fuel/torpedoes and also trying get to a visible contact.

Friendly surface vessels were also pretty rare for such an action, most of them got detected and destroyed very fast. So for simulation its probably better to stick to submarines mainly. Im not sure about the game mechanics in the dynamic campaign and if there is a possibility to script friendly submarines to cope with reality (position + routes + timeline) so it can work with the mod. Maybe the easiest way is to do a random approach to simulate the possibility of gathering other submarines after making a contact report. The gathering does take its time and is normally longer than 24 hours.

In hsies patch there is some additional information to be found and maybe work can in a way be combined for reverse engineering, experience exchange.

Cu all
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