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Old 03-06-21, 11:34 AM   #6588
Grey Wolf
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Originally Posted by Skybird View Post
Did I just say Germany manouvers still in Napoleonic squares? This is a translated text describing the story of the video that Catfish posted three days ago, on that German developers of a Corona vaccine who in return now gets sued by the German state. That video was in German, here you can get the story in English.

Unbelievable. This country is so sick.

It should be examined to what degree profit interests by other manufacturers have influenced the decision to get rid of Stöcker and to dump his work. Would not be the first time that such itnerests motvate for trying to suppress unwanted competition and competitors that are superior int heoir offer or cheaper and threaten the business model. Last but not least nutrition supplements.

We do not have healt care systems. We have desease benefitting systems. These are eocnomic systems with a producer who manufactures a good that he weant to sell, and for selling it, he needs customers. Customers of medical driugs are not heaölthy people, but ill people. The system thus has an inbuild strong economc and systemtic interest to not let people get too heaölthy, beacuse ehalthy people are a dursbanc eint eh systenm, and cnanot be made fincial use of. They must be mad eill or mius be tlaked into beign ill despite beign ehalthy so that they take drugs they do nto need and then get sick by them and then indeed are ill.

The system is a terribly flwaed design from all beginning on. Becasue even if company have no brutally egoist agendas, they nevertheless need to earn hiueg profits: not just for the slaary for their over-paid CEOs , and to poay dioviodnec of thir investors, but also for paying for developin new antibiotics, certain vaccine I heard that are in hgih demand, new treatment. The system cannot function with people being too healthy.

The only answer i see is to somehow replace it with a system that is not depending on financial inputs of any kind. I do not know how to do that, and I am certainly not talking about an communist model ("The state pays for all"...), since in that it is neverthelss the citizens who needs to pay for sure sicne he pays the state, no matter the propaganda.

We should realise however, that the system we have now leads millions every year into illness, keeps tens of millions in desease, kills life quality of many, and lead them into suffering, and final death under severe health handicaps. Its not a health care system, its a desease care system. Treating symptoms endlessly, is profitable, curing people: ends the income.

Next there is the food industry, beign a relevant concern regarding their lies on sugar, fructose, glucose and corn syrup, the still claimed though proven wrong benefit of low salt, plant oils wioth their plenty of Omega-6, and many more. But lets stop it here, else I need a doubled dose of pills today.

The EU has allowed the US finally to export its highly toxic new corn syrup named High Fructose Corn Syrup HFCS to the European citizens, over here it is better known as Isoclucose, or Isomeratzucker in German. It boosts fattiness in record times and is much more dangerous and a more serious a health concern than any of the other sugar-related health-damaging topics before. Its the neutron bomb of fructose-glucose related sweetening, it lets insuline resistence explode like a supernova. Thats shws where the priorities of that villain named "EU" lie. The interest of the people it is not.

They give us poisons to consume, and industrial wastes! They treat us like waste-eating pigs! And demand us to even pay for that : paying with money for the "privilege" to eat that sh!t, paying with out health for our stupidity!
So you rail against a government-industrial complex that would stifle a corona vaccine with minimal side effects, but you continue to deny the science associated with the fact that masks and social distancing don't actual prevent the spread of virus unless you do it before it spreads past 1% of the population. Perhaps you'll question the "experts" more often.

We have Dr Fugazi here in the US telling people to double mask even though recent research in Japan shows diminishing returns or even increased risk if you wear more than one mask. We have older studies showing masks outside a clinical setting are not effective due to untrained wearers contaminating themselves and others.

We have many studies showing that social distancing and other non-pharmaceutical intervention doesn't work once more than 1% of a population are infected in an epidemic/pandemic.

We continue with Dr Fugazi telling people that even if they are vaccinated they can't leave their bunkers until everyone is vaccinated - all while refusing to disclose his conflict of interest in that he'll be getting paid every time a vaccine is manufactured because he holds patents on key components necessary for their manufacture. That he funded coronavirus research in Wuhan is such a huge conflict of interest, he shouldn't even be allowed any involvement in policy making. That his wife is in charge of ethics concerning vaccines is another huge conflict.

In short - *anyone* in any government who is setting policy for covid or any other thing associated with public health and safety needs to be 100% vetted and even the appearance of impropriety needs to be disqualifying then from that position.
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