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Old 08-14-21, 04:26 PM   #3758
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Originally Posted by KaleunMarco View Post

welcome to

with all due respect, how do you know you were not in mine territory?
the situation sounds very much like you ran into mine country.
165 feet....that's about 50 meters.
IJN mines are set at 15 to 75 meters...depending on the location.

where off the coast were you patrolling? sea of japan? Area 4, 5, 6, 7?

I use the original map that came with SH4 as a guide for mined areas and always try to give them a wide berth. I was close to area 4 transiting south when this happened, about where the cursor is in this screenshot :

I thought I was well enough out to sea to avoid the fields along the coast in that area but perhaps not?

Originally Posted by propbeanie View Post
OK 2DarkWolf2, a few preliminaries: Did you empty the Save folder before playing FotRSU? Do you have the game installed in a non-Program Files folder? Do you have LAA (or similar) properly enabled on the SH4.exe file? Have you done any mod adding or deleting between Saves? When you Save, are you using unique names each time? Do not save on top of the previous Save.

Now, FotRSU is based upon TMO v1.7, so it has the same set-up to where your submarine is visible beneath the surface, at depths up to roughly 160 feet. This also depends upon how "high" in altitude a plane over-flies your location. Generally speaking, you should be fine cruising around at 120 foot depth - usually. There are ASW airplanes constantly on patrol, such as the H6K, H8K, Lorna, and especialy Betty & Judy that can all carry regular bombs, as well as depth charges. Second of all, there are minefields out there, especially in Empire Waters. Here is a portion of the file that holds them:

There are more north of there, more south of there, more off of Formosa, off of Korea, in the Korean Strait, Tsushima Strait, Tsugaru Strait, etc... So you can indeed run into mines. Let us know though, where you were Lat / Long wise, and we'll see what we can see in the area. As another note, airplanes will usually fly over your last-known location twice. In 1944, it might be radar, and if it is, and it is something like a Betty or bigger, they will drop a couple of bombs near you last radar location, then come back and do a couple of more, further along your last-known travel line, and if they still have bombs left, might do a 3rd pass. If the plane used HF/DF to zero-in on your location, then they may not drop bombs the first pass. But if they saw you, they will drop and drop until they run out, then they'll call their buddies to come get ya...

Yes I emptied the save folder, yes the game is installed in a non-program files folder, yes I have LAA working, no I have not done any further modding. I HAVE been saving over old save files though, I usually keep two saves at any one time and overwrite the oldest each time I save. Perhaps that is the problem?

See the above screenshot for the approx. location I was when this last happened.

I'll start making a new save file each time and if this happens again I will take a more thorough look around for mines. If the old original SH4 map is no longer accurate vis-a-vis minefields is there a newer intel map somewhere for Fotrsu? I see the in game map accessed with the short wave radio has convoy routes and air cover marked but not minefields.

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