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Old 12-02-18, 01:29 AM   #73
Silent Hunter
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As promised, Part 2.

A bit of name dropping, but it makes for an interesting post.

"Harry's Cafe de Wheels". Very popular for generations. Good no nonsense Aussie street food. Pies, Sausage Rolls, Chips, Hot Dogs. Cheap and really tasty. It's been that successful that franchises are now available. They're in many cities in Australia, and some even overseas.

Harry's "Tiger", Steak pie with peas, mashed potato and gravy. Good value for $7.

Below, some of Harry's customers over the years.

Pamela Anderson.

The Ab Fab girls.

Sir David Martin. A Real Man. He died from cancer, but worked up till his dying day. I remember news footage of him taking the salute at a Naval march past. There he was in full uniform, gasping for breath, standing proudly. A lot of sailors had tears in their eyes as they marched past.

The Colonel didn't mind a pie or two when he was in town.

Adriana Xenides, Aussie TV Star. For years she told doctors that she was very sick, but they didn't believe her..... She died and they're like " Oh well looks like she was right after all".

Poor Charlotte Dawson in happier days. She was hounded to death by an organised troll army. Truly tragic.

just a local girl ( yawn ) . They all look alike

The Finger Wharf at Woolloomooloo ( hard to spell ).
It's looks boring but this is Serious Real Estate. Big Name Actors have places here and drop by from time to time ( to Harrys . )

Recommended you come here.

Pretentious Artwork not taken seriously by locals. Quickly dubbed "Poos on Sticks".

The "Tropicana". If you ever come to "The Cross", this place might be recommended to you. Don't go. It's very popular with the Theatre crowd and is one of THE places to be seen. And the staff have a real superior attitude, which doesn't help the vibe if you do go.

The "Coluzzi Bar". A sidewalk espresso bar. This was THE place to get noticed/be seen ( if you're that vain ). At least now they've got tables and chairs now, used to be just milk crates. A hangout for the Socially Desperate.

The entrance Kings Cross Railway Station. A SERIOUS warning.Statistically this used to be the most dangerous place in all of Sydney. Quite a few people have been killed here in recent years. Not by guns or knives, but in your face, toe to toe fist fighting. Take care.

"The Medically Supervised Injecting Clinic". The Heroin Shooting Gallery.

Taxpayer/Ratepayer funded. Staffed by Quacks and Shrinks. When you're a petty crim/junkie the PC crowd really look after you.

Across the road from the Train Station entrance. Don't hang around here.

The rooftop of good old "Maccas". One of the little known Gems of The Cross. Back in the 80s there were little fountains, beautiful flower beds, lovely garden atmosphere, it's been badly neglected and allowed to deteriorate. Sad. But still a great place to watch the colourful goings on in Darlinghurst Road. Today was about 100 degrees F, so everyone was downstairs in A/C comfort.

Last pic, Tommy's place in Victoria Street. "Bang Tang" A great place to eat, good vibe, and Tommy's a real nice bloke. When I eat there I always have the ......"Hun Bastard" - great name.

Quite a long post, but like I said in Part one, if you're sensible you should be alright. It's mainly on weekends at nighttime when there's trouble. Young guys out to prove their manhood etc.

It's a very compact area, about 40,000 people in 2 sq miles, and there are some truly beautiful places to go and see ( all walking distance ).

I hope you enjoyed the post.

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