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Old 09-11-07, 01:23 AM   #111
Pacific Aces Dev Team
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anything you can do in VB code you can do in the missions
That sounds incredible

However, I don't get the concept completely....isn't the game supposed to have some preprogrammed commands (F.e. "Patrol x,y,z", "Go x,y,z", "Destroy unit X".....) for the available actions? I take it there must be a list of available actions/commands that can be called by the VB script, so they can be readed by the game :hmm: Where is that list? You posted before this:
ApplyStateEngine $0,"PassByZigZag#Scharnhorst#2.081,56.309,500000, 1 #18"
so as I understand it those are some of the commands. Now, how many of those have you identified already?

I guess we would need to study this and make a list with all possible commands and their effect

BTW considering the size and style of the game creator, it could be worth it sending a mail asking for details/internal tutorials documents given to the mission scripters. Since they left the engine more or less "open" it is obvious that they wanted poeople to tinker with it
One day I will return to sea ...
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