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Old 05-16-13, 05:59 PM   #1
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Default The Boat keeps surfacing!

i recently completed a u-boat campaign and while the type XVIII was very interesting to operate compared to the IX/Balao boats there was one thing about it that really bugged me and I am not certain if it was a bug or not.

I am attacking a convoy and gone deep to avoid some danger. Once the torpedos were reloaded and still using the walter drive I order periscope depth and instead of going to the correct depth the boat would surface and I would get pounded by the destroyers guns. I would even try to come up to 40m it would still surface. Only thing I could to was turn off the walter turbine, let the boat slow down and then order periscope depth.

On a separate note the T11 torpedoes were a bit of a trip, first couple times I used them was disappointed because they would hit the ships and they would not sink, of course because they had smaller warheads. At least once I fired two at a DD and one went on and one circled back at me. After that I always went deep after launching. But appreciate that once they were launched they did not give up tracking a target until they ran out of fuel. Much more fun than the useless Mk27 cuties.

Now how do I hack my balao to carry G7es torpedoes.
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