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Old 11-21-20, 03:58 PM   #8
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Default I communicate much better with the Kriegsmarine!

Originally Posted by KaleunMarco View Post
please allow me to re-state the conditions before i answer.
so, you were given a mission, went to sea, completed the mission, took some damage, returned to your home base for repairs.

your options are:
  1. end the mission. i am assuming that you are at your home base. if not, then skip to #2 on the list.
  2. return to the sea and hunt wherever you wish.
  3. return to your home base and end the mission.
  4. radio your superiors using the left side radio button and they may give you a new mission objective....and they may not. as PB is known to say: it is a dice roll.
When I report my situation to Comsubpac the response is almost always the same: "Go ahead and maintain radio silence for the next two hours." My fear is leaving the port and sailing for days in an empty sea, because the game does not generate any enemy convoys. In fact sailing towards Midway, for several days I only crossed allied ships sailing alone. In SH3 I received different messages: "Keep it up Lieutenant!" or "You must put in more effort" and things like that.
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