Thread: [WIP] Realism mod
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Old 07-27-17, 10:04 AM   #11
Machinist's Mate
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The reason that PL_Harpoon said he set the reload time to 7.5 minutes instead of 15 was because doing a double reload (one tube each side at the same time) was currently impossible within the game engine. HOWEVER Jive Turkey also said today that 7.5 -8 minutes was a realistic timeframe for loading ONE tube on a Los Angeles with a trained crew.

I would therefore suggest as a compromise between Killerfish's crazy fast reload speed and "The 15 Minute Source" newbie crew reload speed that the timeframe for reloads should be 3.75-4 minutes to in effect give us "double reloads" as a realistic speed - because Jive Turkey should know what he's talking about and if he says 7.5 is realistic over 15 minutes per tube then I'd suggest going with it.

EVEN BETTER OPTION?: Can we get a a randomized variable so that a torpedo may reload in as fast as 3 minutes or as long as 7 depending on crew skill or random problems encountered during reloading?

Other thoughts/notes for PL_Harpoon based on the stream from Jive today:

1. The repetitious knuckle forming at flank speed with a significant rudder shift seemed to be an unintended bug? It was way too rapid with this mod - literally every 2 or 3 seconds for a while as Jive was trying to make a sustained turn at flank and then bringing the rudder back neutral... The knuckle forming should only occur over major rudder shifts and it should be "one knuckle", not a "line of knuckles" as the turn continues. It was hard to see exactly what the control inputs were when this occurred but it was fairly obvious from Jive's reaction that he also found this troublesome.

2. The first encounter Jive had was with a Whiskey and a Romeo which are some fairly noisy boats from what I understand, and he had to close within a few thousand yards to pick them up on passive... in good weather. Also there were multiple audible launch transients to the player (Jive) and viewers that you could easily hear but the sub's own Sonar Crew could not "detect" them or even provide a bearing... That seems a bit much. I get wanting to make it difficult but if it's already that hard in a Los Angeles, you may need to tone it down for balancing and actual realism. I don't doubt you have sources for your adjustments but keep in mind that maintenance on Russian boats is an actual issue and that as their lifespan lengthens they get significantly noisier than when they're brand spanking new out of the factory. I can also say from other experiences I've had working with Russian documents, their "official" numbers often have a tenancy to exaggerate positively and conceal weaknesses... so take them with a grain of salt.

3. Not an issue with the mod but a thought on enhancing it. Currently there seems to be little or no reason to use the "rig for silent running option" in the game. Could you possibly boost the noise level generated by a sub while reloading torpedoes so that attempting to do in the middle of a passive detection cat & mouse game carries a significant risk? Also perhaps not using it could increase the risk of generating a random transient?

Despite my nitpicking PL_Harpoon (and I admit openly that I am just an armchair sub simmer with no actual experience) I consider this mod a great step in the right direction because it seems Killerfish so far is not at all interested in providing a "max realism" option of their own. I just hope that you'll continue tweaking and perfecting to "get it right". Thanks for all your hard work!

Last edited by GDFTigerTank; 07-27-17 at 10:35 AM.
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