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Old 10-16-19, 05:02 AM   #7776
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Both Guiliani and Pence let deadlines expire for heanding over demanded evidence.

This shows why I said that the impeachment mechanism is just a farce, a strawman, a faulty design: ther eis no neutral legal instance involved that now can legally enforce the handing over of such documents/evidence, sinc ethe whole mechanism is only a poltial one,l no legal one. And thus, if the accused president has according majrities, he can ignore it since there is no legitimated court involved that could even activate legal means to force him or his accomplices to hand over what they had been ordered to hand over.

I think the whole impeachment design is just an alibi, meant to please the plebs and let them believe that if an office holder serioulsy abuses his power he could be removed by runnign this mechnaism, this process.

But any such process where the accused can decide the sentence if enough of his clan are sitting in the audience and cast their vote, is not worth the time.

A serious flaw in the constitutional design. Its a claimed safety that is unable to serve its purpose of a safety.

Neither the senate nor the congress should deice the outcome of an impeahcment. There should be strict criterions for when a party cna trigger the process. And should be decided not by parties and actors, but an independent instance with legal powers to force actors to comply. For example, I have not further thoguht about this detail, a special council of the High Court. An instance that in this case now can jail Guiliani or ence if they do nto comply with the court'S demand.

Impeahcment is a toothless tiger, and it probbaly was designed to be toothless from beginning on. It was meant to not work, and thus it is only an empty shell.

American citizens should want to change this. Its as if members of organised crime seat the seats of the judges and jurymen.

The separation of the three powers executive, legislative, judiciary, is not demanded for no reason in the Western state design.
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