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Old 01-18-09, 03:39 AM   #27
Silent Hunter
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Originally Posted by goldorak
Originally Posted by CaptainHaplo
The fact is - change is hard. And some people remember the jump from 98 or 2k to xp and don't look forward to that experience again. Not saying Subman is among them - but most of the resistance you see out there today is due to the age old human trait of - we don't like change.
Change is not hard, if windows 7 were priced at 0 $ I'd be first in line to use it and do away with xp. Fact is, Microsoft prices its OS very high, and to change there has to be something worth changeing. If there isn't it doesn't matter how shiny the new OS is, people will stick to what they have. A have a lot of software that cost me a lot of money and it simply won't run on a 64 bit os because of certain copy protection techniques. Do you think I'll go spend 400 $ for windows 7 ultimate for what ? To use 4 GB of ram ? To have a more stable computer ? My computer hasn't blu screened in over 2 years and it runs beautifully xp. And it runs all the programs I need. Microsoft creates artificial needs so people are swayed in upgrading something that most don't even need. More power to MS and less power to its customers. As for me I upgrade on my timetable not on MS timetable. If that makes me resistant to change then so be it. :p

Ps: I change and try very often linux distributions and bsd systems.
So I don't fear change. I hate change for the sake of it and moreso when it costs a lot of money for nothing.
Yea my sentiment exactly. I've been reading Vista reviews and it seems not to offer enough features to make it worthwhile to switch from XP.

So I've decided not to get Vista. Well except Vista 64 bit but that one is waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaayyy overpriced.
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