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Old 10-23-12, 02:58 PM   #6447
Posts: n/a


Congratulations for an amazing mod! I really both admire and appreciate the work done, I hadn't played SH3 for sometime, and this mod made me return to it and live a totally new experience.

I have some questions though, that I'll put one at a time. Please excuse my English, it's a foreign language and I occasionally make mistakes

The first, has to do with the damage of shell hits. There is a reason that U-boat commanders preferred high explosive over AP shells. Being a member of a "naval" family myself, one of my first memories as a child is my father asking me what is the greatest hazard for a ship out in the open sea; he would then proceed to provide me with the answer: Fire!

It is quite easy for a catastrophic fire to start on a merchant vessel, even with today's extreme safety regulations and measures. In the era of WW2, it was a lot easier, and a factor that would multiply the catastrophic impact of fires was the fact that a lot of wood (much more than today) was often used in many parts of the ship. There wasn't a way to avoid the sinking of a ship with an uncontrollable fire on board, in fact most shipwrecks I think happened this way.

I wanted to ask fellow skippers here in the forum, from their experience and knowledge, how is fire damage simulated in the mod? I red in the manual about below-the-water-line hits, that they are considered the most effective, since they rupture the hull and initiate a flooding, but wouldn't in fact an HE shell exploding on the deck or the superstructure be as efficient, because of the high probability of starting a fire? A flooding can be "isolated" using watertight doors (not always, of course), containing a fire is impossible this way.

Also, if anyone knows of any good sites with historical information on the subject, I'd appreciate if he or she could share

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