Thread: [REL] FOTRS Ultimate Project
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Old 07-25-19, 06:57 PM   #8367
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Thank you, that's all very interesting.

Do I understand you correctly, in principle celestial navigation is possible in SH 4, these star spangled night skies actually are based on reality?

I would need to limit the frame rate of the game via nVidia driver settings?

While we're at it, does the game model drift or currents? I am using voice commands, which in theory should make for extremely precise navigation: E.g. I can say "Heading left 40 degrees" and in principle the boat should turn exacactly 40 degrees to port. However, more often than not the confirmation comes back a few degrees off. Same for depths. Normally I dive to 80 feet in order not to get spotted in clear (in real reports they called it "glassy") water. Usually the confirmation is "New depth 79 feet". Similarly, I notice that the boat veers of course after some time, say 3-4 degrees to port. When I correct with saying "heading right 5 degrees" sometimes the course confirmation comes back even worse (to port).

I wonder if these imprecisions are working as intended (modelling drift, etc.) or bugs or just short comings of the UI? Voice command uses the UI, it basically takes the mouse cursor and clicks wherever the according voice command is registered to be clicked for.

PS: I have not activated again, or even unzipped for that matter, PE or BiggerProtractors. I only have FOTRSU active at this point.
PPS: I had two instances of sonar not hearing a double patrol of US trawlers, first time off Corregidor Island on Dec 11, 1941 and the second time off Catanduanes Island, to the SE later in December 1941. At least on the first instance the two trawlers were travelling at around 6 kts. The sonar man didn't hear them nor did I upon listening in. I could see them moving through the observation periscope. Again, this the complete fresh install with deletions / registry cleaning, etc.
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