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Old 08-03-08, 06:17 AM   #87
Grey Wolf
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Another bug: 10th Flotilla still causing a CTD in 1943
Btw, how did you (or anyone else) get compressed air back into the game?
I crept up a convoy in my IX and inavertedly used up all my compressed air running at 1 knot for about an hour. When I had to evade, I had to use ahead full to keep depth and the escorts spotted and sank me
realistic, but how did this get into the game? It didnt work in SH3 nor in SH4, so why now suddenly?
Re the equipment of conning towers and such, this is second priority, but it still bugs me. How can I remove all that fancy radar?
Also, I'd suggest increasing the lethality of aircraft bombs/depth charges and increase the detection range of aircraft radar.
Sofar I've often had metox contact with planes that obviously didn't detect me.
And if they attacked I often had heavy damage, but never fatal damage. It seems still that japanese aircraft are more lethal than british, which is the wrong way around.

Also, where are the accoustic guided torpedoes??
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