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Old 09-23-19, 05:23 AM   #19
Silent Hunter
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Its about destroying the bourgeois up to a point, they want to tear down the mega rich and upper classes a peg or three, and redistribute their wealth and resources to the marginalized and down trodden.

but - not so much tear down the middle classes, because that means most of them - they are rather bourgeois themselves in the eyes of the working class, who tend to support capitalism and meritocracy despite being on a lower rung.

Because of this we have middle class who simultaneously punches both up and down, but they either cannot recognize it when they do the latter. or They justify it by shifting the focus on to someone even lower down, such as a refugee or another marginalized group they want to protect/uplift.

So we get the curious situation where white collars, Academics and journalists can now tell manual laborers and blue collars to 'check their privilege'. (and my god - its getting old)
This works in metropolitan / diverse cities, but it alienates the more homogeneous towns and rural areas. because there, you have a very different demographic at the bottom of the pile.

As soon as the left introduced Intersectionality, they abandoned those people, and the right was quick to scoop them up. And where else could they go?

Last edited by JU_88; 09-23-19 at 05:45 AM.
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