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Old 11-18-20, 02:13 AM   #848
Join Date: Nov 2014
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hello everyone

I'm 33 years old, Born and Raised in Australia Brisbane, I have always been intrigued by U-boats from a young age, their engineering has always astounded me, growing up there was not many documentaries on U-boats but the books I read only made me more intrigued to learn more about the boats themselves and the men that sailed them, with sh5 and twos I can finally get a glimpse of that it was really like on a u-boat, would first like to thank the creator of TWOS Mod and the mod developers of the mods in TWOS absolutely brilliant.

my fav is still Silent Service 1 and 2, I remember finding it on an old amiga PC that belonged to my dad, having to use the game booklet to access the game through paragraphs and ship recognition, I believe I must have been around 7 years old at the time, remember spending countless hours trying to learn how to play it, at the time, I had no idea what submarines or U-boats were.

I continued to play silent service into my teens, I had no idea silent hunter 2 was a thing. at this point around 2004 2005, the internet era had arrived, I was at a friend's house, browsing this so-called internet sorcery I still only had an amiga pc at home .this is when I saw silent hunter 3 was about to be released.

I begged my parents for a new pc, after mowing lawns and doing house jobs for 6 months my dad finally bought me a new pc with a copy of SH3.

it was mind-blowing, I had never had 3d graphics, I would never trade this memory for the world, I spent many many school nights playing it till 4 am to zero sleep at all and acting like I was asleep when mum and dad would wake me up for school haha

so thank you guys very much for keeping the silent series alive, I play a lot of sh5 these days thanks to TWOS.
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