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Old 08-19-08, 08:00 AM   #29
Posts: n/a

Originally Posted by tonschk
Thank you very much for your tutorial ,I will try to check if something is wrong with the file named impurity thank you very much
its quite possible it has been changed from some mod along the way so just uninstalling all your mods may not restore it because files can get changed around without even without meaning to.

often in trying out your own mod ideas you'll mod a file (with silent 3ditor) forgetting another mod is still installed and instead of modding a stock file you end up modding a file inside one of the mods your using, then when you uninstall the mod, the file is different because you changed it and jsgme cant recognise it to swap it back out. the end result when that happens is a stock file has been replaced by a leftover file from a mod and the mod that you uninstalled is now missing the file you modded because when it uninstalled the file that was changed by you was not recognized so it wasnt removed with the mod.

this is why anytime you are the one modding something in the game you need to be sure all mods are uninstalled first and of coarse you see why having a backup copy of the stock unmodded game is needed for fixing things from time to time. i also keep backup copies of just about all the mods because the mods themselves get fubarred just like the game, plus as you learn to mod you can break down each mod and learn what they did so you can do your own versions with settings you like better. they are like instruction manuals on the different ways to mod the game.
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