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Old 05-02-21, 10:47 PM   #4
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Originally Posted by Arlo View Post
Thanks BH. I saw no response at first and was worried I stepped on toes or overstepped with this thread. I can manage some creative immersion tweaking to close the separation between historical reality and the game. After all, we are in essence playing an alternate WWII 'reality' to begin with (we are assigned boats under names we choose for commander, names assigned to crew that aren't the actual crew, bases that our boats didn't start at (or did at a different date), sinking ships that either were lost in a different manner and time or not lost at all. And I accept all of that as a matter of practicality (and fun). So, if I imagine that my crew went a little overboard with their uniform markers or that chiefs were able to somehow pack enough khakis to wear them on subs without too much fear of ruining them. Or even officers occasionally wearing a mixture of uniform (perhaps due to their khakis being ruined while conducting unusual duties) then that's just a little bit more reality bending and not that big a deal (in my mind's eye I can ignore that, somewhat). Even seeing some third classes sneak some rack time in the chiefs or even officer's bunk doesn't merit mention to the COB. (With the FOTRSU officer's quarters addition - which I'm mighty glad to see.)

So this discussion isn't a critique born of disgust or malice. Just a FOTRSU head's up.

(I noticed the difference, regarding TMO - which I also enjoy, very much!)

You did not step on any toes. Immersion is a big part of this sim, if it did not matter we would all be running a arcade style shoot em up type deal.

Suggestions, contributions, etc are a big part of this community and have always seemed welcome. Which is why SH 4 is still very much alive all these years after it's release in such terrible shape.

MY person view is to be in line with reality, Officers in khakis , chiefs in dungarees except their chiefs cap, the crew same, a few variations but still. A bug need to solve in TMO is the officers collar insignia displaying incorrectly. Meaning Lieutenants usually show up as a single gold bar as does JG's or sometime JG will have LT bars. I could be happy eliminating the collar insignia from many interviews most did not wear them at sea, everyone knew who they were. Also , TMO is desperately in need of cold weather clothing, for immersion. Looks and feels silly in the sim when patrolling in winter off japan or in sea of okhotsk etc and crew is not wearing parkas, sweaters, watch caps, peacoats etc. Long ago someone made a mod, had said would do a TMO version but forget who and but have been unable to locate it. There are screenshots of it for U boats, so sure could have it for fleetboat crews.There is a pseudo cold weather clothing mod, but it just puts the rain coats and caps on and primarily only works for S boats. Does not work on Gato/ etc, did get it to work on porpoise class but next patrol when went to south pacific, some crew still had the coats on, even though I deactivated the mod. Last patrol I was on Sea of Japan in September-October 1943 and decided in lieu of exiting la perouse strait, would go north and exit soviet waters via Tartarskiy Strait (almost hit the minefield lol). Once made it in that area, heavy seas, saw some icebergs, skies had that polar look but crew was in short sleeves etc lol. Bit of an immersion killer.
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