Thread: Sony
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Old 03-03-08, 09:44 AM   #14
Rockin Robbins
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Default Need more information

We really need more information before we can decide whether it is worthwhile to run the add-on. Does SecuROM just rear its ugly head on install and then leave us alone? Maybe we can ignore it then.

Does it scan your running processes list every time you start SH4UBM and refuse to let you play you if you run a program written by Microsoft's Mark Russinovich? Then we have restraint of trade and I think we have a legitimate reason to decide to regress to 1.4.

And the final question: if we use danlisa's SecuROM uninstall procedure, do we lose our ability to play SH4UBM?

If #1 is true, #2 is false and #3 is also true, it's a close call. If all 3 are true then its time to escalate our concerns.

If only #1 is true we can just start our campaign, close this thread and start swapping war stories.

The pity of the whole thing is that SecuROM is just snake oil. I'll be the first one to say that Ubi has a right to protect their copyright, so long as it does not interfere with my lawful activity. But the crackers solved SercuROM before Sony secured its first sucker I mean customer. The only people affected are honest customers who bought their software. The crooks are gleefully producing copies by the thousands and illegal downloaders are using cracked versions at will, while we pay the price. Sony's "product" damages us as it damages Ubi, who paid Sony's customary rapacious price for a product that does nothing to promote sales, nothing to hinder piracy. Why would a smart game company fall for that pig in a poke?
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